Group 6 - Collection

  1. aggregate
    1)The sum total or 2) a collection of people or things
  2. assemblage
    a collection of people or things
  3. clique
    a small, exlusive group of people
  4. cohort
    a united group of people 2) an accomplice
  5. constituent
    1) one of the elements that make up a whole or 2) a voter in a particular district
  6. enclave
    a cultural group living within a larger group
  7. flotilla
    a feet of small vessels
  8. gamut
    the entire range of something
  9. homogeneous
    similar or unifom in composition
  10. manifold
    having many different parts, forms, or applications
  11. muster
    to summon or gather
  12. pantheon
    a group of people highly esteemed for their great accomplishments
  13. repertoire
    the list of pieces a musician, actor, etc., is ready to perfrom
Card Set
Group 6 - Collection