Sudden Cardiac Death

  1. What is SCD or SCA
    • Death related to an adrupt loss of heart function
    • usually related to arrythimia
    • UNEXPECTED (MI is excpected death)
  2. What is the most prevelate symptom of SCD
    CAD! 80%
  3. What is the first symptom of SCD?
    • DEATH
    • -only 20% survive
  4. What is the difference between SCD and MI
    • MI=loss of oxygen to heart muscle usually due to blocked artery (death of heart muscle)....would expect death
    • SCD= Electrical Problem....very fast activiations that keep heart from pumping....unexpected!
  5. Risk factors for SCD
    • Pretty much anything that leads to CAD
    • -smoking, inactivity, obesity, age, diabetes
  6. What rhythms are assoicated with SCD?
    • VF
    • High Degree AV block with asystole
  7. _____ makes up the other 20% of SCD related deaths
    • non-ischemic heart disease
    • -dialted
    • -hypertrophic
    • -restrictive
    • ARVD
    • congential
  8. Victims chance of survial is reduced by for every minute without defibrillation
  9. Primary Prevention for SCD
    • prior MI
    • Low EF
    • class 2 & 3 HF
  10. Secondary Prevention of SCD
    • Survivor of Cardiac Death
    • symptomatic substained VT
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Sudden Cardiac Death