PRAXIS SLP study questions Set 1

  1. Respirtation relies on the muscles of inspiration and expiration. The thick dome-shaped muscle that separates the abdomen from the thorax is called the
  2. What cranial nerves innervate most pharyngeal muscles?
    • X vagus
    • XI spinal accessory
  3. What is the primary muscle of the lips?
    Obicularis Oris
  4. What type of neurons transfer information away from the brain?
    Efferent neurons
  5. What is the important structure adjacent to the brainstem that contains the hypothalamus and the thalamus?
  6. Which structure in the brain controls emotions?
  7. Which structure in the brain relays sensory impusles to the cerebral cortex?
  8. What three nuclear masses compose the corpus striatum?
    • Globus pallidus
    • Caudate nucleus
    • Putamen
  9. What structure regulates body posture, equilibrium and coordinatied fine motor movements?
  10. The anterior cerbral artery supplies blood to the ______.
    • Corpus collosum
    • Basal gangia
  11. To what sounds does the nasopharynx add noticeable resonsnace?
    • m
    • n
    • ng
  12. What structures separate the laryngeal vestibule from the pharynx to help protect the airway and is composed of a ring of connective tissue and muscle extending from the tips of the arytnoid cartilages to the larynx?
    Aryepiglottic folds
  13. Which cranial nerve innervates the larynx and the veli palatini, palatoglossus, and palatopharynges muscles?
    Cranial nerve X, vagus
  14. Which muscles contribute to velopharyngeal closure through tensing and elevating the velum?
    • Palatoglossus
    • Veli palatini
    • Tensor veil palatini
  15. What structure at the inferior portion of the tongue connects the tongue with the mandible?
    lingual fernum
  16. What muscle is most involved in producing voiced and voiceless /the/?
  17. When adducting and abducting the vocal folds what muscles are used?
    • thyroarytnoids
    • lateral cricoarytnoids
    • transverse arytnoids
  18. What fibers connect the cerebral hemisheres?
    commissural fibers
  19. What is the CNS's primary mechanism of attention, alertness and consciousness, which is related to sleeep-wake cycles?
    Reticular Activating System (RAS)
  20. What is the name of the gyrus in the frontal lobe where the the primary motor cortex is located?
    Precentral gyrus
  21. What area in the temporal lobe is critical to the comprehension of spoken language?
    Wernicki's area
  22. What connects Wernicki's area to Broca's area in the frontal lobe?
    Arcuate Fasciculus
  23. What cortex is found in the occipital loabe?
    Primary visual cortex
  24. What is the purpose of the angular gyrus in the parietal lobe?
    • writing
    • reading
    • naming
  25. What region of the brain is important for interpreting the somesthetic sensations such as pain, touch, and temperature?
    Postcentral gyrus or the sensory cortex of the parietal lobe
  26. What two tracts make up the pyramidal system?
    • Corticospinal
    • Corticobulbar tracts
  27. Where is the fluid that fills the interconnected cerbral ventricles produced?
    Choroid plexus
  28. What are the three meningeal coverings of the brain?
    • Dura mater
    • Pia mater
    • Arachnoid
  29. Toward the upper portion of the pons what does the basilar artery divide into?
    Posterior cerbral arteries
  30. Which carotid artery is a major supplier of blood to the brain?
    internal carotid artery
  31. What is found at the base of the brain and is formed by the two carotid and two vertebral arteries joining?
    Circle of Willis
Card Set
PRAXIS SLP study questions Set 1
Study set 1 Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism Taken from AN ADVANCED REVIEW OF SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY 2nd Edition by Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin and M.N. Hegde @2006 Pro-ed