microbiology lab days 5 and 6 part 3 (biochemical assay, fermentation, beta galactosidase, onpg, TSI

  1. What is the enzyme catalase used for?
    to protect bacteria from free radicals like hydrogen peroxide, superoxide, etc.
  2. what is the principle of the catalase activity test?
    some bacteria produce enzyme called catalase to protect themselves from free radicals like H2O2 and superoxide
  3. what must one do in order to see if there is catalase acitivity within a culture?
    add 3% hydrogen peroxide to the culture and if gas bubbles arise, the bacteria produce catalase
  4. if you add 3% h2O2 to a bacterial culture and no gas bubbles form, what does this mean?
    there is no catalase activity in this culture
  5. What chemical reaction occurs when you add h2O2 to a culture of bacteria that produce catalase?
    the H2O2 is broken down by catalase into H2O and O2.
  6. what is a positive test for the catalase activity test?
    bubbles forming
  7. what do bacteria use coagulase for?
    to form a fibrin clot around themselves to protect against the host's defenses
  8. What chemicals are anti-coagulants?
    citrate and EDTA
  9. Citrate and EDTA are __-_____
  10. what is a positive test for the coagulase tesst?
    clotting is present
  11. what is a negative test for the coagulase test?
    no clotting in 4 hrs
  12. ____ and ___ are added usually as an _____ to prevent clotting by other mechanism
    citrate and EDTA are added usually as anticoagulant
  13. in the coagulase test, results can be determined within ___ ___
    4 hrs
  14. what does dnase do?
    dnase is an enzyme produced by some bacteria that degrades host DNA and increase the pathogenicity
  15. what is a positive test in DNase test?
    a zone of clearing around the colony indicates +ve DNase activity
Card Set
microbiology lab days 5 and 6 part 3 (biochemical assay, fermentation, beta galactosidase, onpg, TSI
microbiology lab days 5 and 6 part 4 (biochemical assay, fermentation, beta galactosidase, onpg, TSI