
  1. RCR
    Runway Condition Reading
  2. TOR
    Takeoff Roll
  3. SETOS
    Single Engine Takeoff Speed
  4. DS
    Decision Speed
  5. RS
    Refusal Speed
  6. BEO
    Both Engines Operating
  7. EF
    Engine Failure
  8. RS-EF
    Refusal Speed - Engine Failure
  9. RS-BEO
    Refusal Speed - Both Engines Operating
  10. CFL
    Critical Field Length
  11. CEFS
    Critical Engine Failure Speed
  12. NACS
    Normal Acceleration Check Speed
  13. MACS
    Minimum Acceleration Check Speed
  14. LD
    Landing Distance
  15. RCR
    number that indicates the degree of friction between the wheels and the runway surface
  16. TOR
    distance from brake release to where the main gear liftoff the runway at takeoff speed (TOS). TOS for a 12,700 lb T-38 is 164 KCAS
  17. SETOS
    speed which ensures a 100 ft/min climb out of ground effect on one engine with gear down and flaps 60%.
  18. DS
    minimum speed at which the aircraft can experience an instantaneous engine failure and still accelerate to SETOS and takeoff (approximately 350 feet from start of rotation at SETOS) in the remaining runway
  19. RS
    the maximum speed to which you can accelerate with both engines operating in MAX, and either: abort with both engines operating (BEO), or abort with an engine failure (EF).
  20. RS Considerations
    A 3-second pilot reaction time, aerodynamic braking (7.5°), and appropriate wheel braking (2 seconds to achieve cautious braking, and optimum braking below 100 kts) are all calculated into the abort.
  21. CFL
    distance from brake release for an aircraft to accelerate on two good engines to CEFS, experience an engine failure, and either continue to accelerate to SETOS and takeoff (approximately 350 feet from start of rotation at SETOS), or stop in the same distance.
  22. NACS
    the speed reached at a predetermined distance by a normal aircraft
  23. MACS
    minimum acceptable speed at a predetermined distance with which takeoff should be continued.
  24. Go/No Go
    speed which is used to determine whether or not to continue should you experience a problem on initial takeoff.
  25. LD
    the length of runway required to stop the aircraft based on full flaps.
  26. LD Considerations
    distance from where the main gear touch down (at touchdown speed) and not from the runway threshold. Based on aerobraking at 7.5°, lowering nose to the runway, and gradually applying wheel brakes to desired levels within 2 seconds
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