Skull Anatomy

  1. What are the 8 cranial bones?
    • 1 frontal bone
    • 1 ethmoid bone
    • 1 sphenoid bone
    • 2 temporal bones
    • 1 occipital bone
    • 2 parietal bones
  2. What are the 14 facial bones?
    • 2 nasals
    • 2 lacrimal
    • 2 maxillary
    • 2 zygomatic
    • 2 palatine
    • 2 inferior nasal conchae
    • 1 vomer
    • 1 mandible
  3. What are 3 bones that make the bony nasal septum?
    • -perpendicular plate of ethmoid
    • -vomer
    • -nasal spine of frontal bone
  4. Which 7 bones make the orbit?
    • 3 cranial:
    • -frontal bone
    • -sphenoid
    • -ethmoid

    • 4 facial:
    • -palatine
    • -lacrimal
    • -maxilla
    • -zygoma
  5. Landmark: bump in lower forehead.
  6. landmark: portion on top of nose, middle of eyes
  7. Landmark: inner part of eye
    inner canthus
  8. landmark: outer part of eye
    outer canthus
  9. landmark: middle, base of nose
  10. landmark: upper tip in chin
    mental point
  11. landmark: area below eyebrows
    supraorbital margin
  12. landmark: area of ojeras
    infraorbital margin
  13. landmark: line that crosses eyes horizontally
    interpupillary line
  14. AML
    Acanthiomeatal line
  15. EAM
    External auditory meatus
  16. GML
    Glabellomeatal line
  17. IAM
    Internal acoustic meatus
  18. IOML
    Infraorbital meatal line
  19. IPL
    Interpupillary line
  20. MML
    Mentomeatal line
  21. OML
    Orbitomeatal line
  22. TEA
    top of ear attachment
  23. what are 4 sinus groups?
    • 1 sphenoidal
    • 2 ethmoidal
    • 1 frontal
    • 2 maxillary
  24. which sinus group develops and aerates at birth?
    maxillary sinus
  25. Which 2 sinus groups aerate at about age 6 or 7?
    frontal and sphenoidal sinus
  26. Which group is the last to aerate around age 17?
    ethmoidal sinus
Card Set
Skull Anatomy
2014 Procedures class