Daily activities verbs Spanish/English

  1. acostarse (o-ue)
    to go to bed
  2. afeitarse
    to shave oneself
  3. bañarse
    to take a bath
  4. cepillarse
    to brush oneself
  5. despertarse (e-ie)
    to wake up
  6. dormirse (o-ue)
    to fall asleep
  7. ducharse
    to shower
  8. lavarse
    to wash oneself
  9. lavarse el pelo
    to wash one's hair
  10. cepillarse los dientes
    to brush your teeth
  11. levantarse
    to get up
  12. maquillarse
    to put makeup on
  13. peinarse
    to comb one's hair
  14. ponerse la ropa
    to get dressed
  15. vestirse (e-i)
    to get dressed
  16. secarse
    to dry oneself
  17. quitarse
    to take off
  18. desvestirse (e-i)
    to undress
Card Set
Daily activities verbs Spanish/English
Spanish II daily activities verbs