Combat Systems

  1. What does CSOSS stand for?
    Combat Systems Operational Sequencing System
  2. What does CSOOW stand for?
    Combat Systems Officer of the Watch
  3. What does CSRO stand for?
    Combat Systems Readiness Officer
  4. What does CWO stand for?
    Communications Watch Officer
  5. What does IFF stand for?
    Identify Friend or Foe
  6. What does EMCON stand for?
    Emissions Control
  7. What does TACAN stand for?
    Tactical Air Navigation
  8. What does RADAR stand for?
    Radio Detection and Ranging
  9. What does SONAR stand for?
    Sound, Navigation, and Ranging
  10. What does HERO stand for?
    Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordinance
  11. What does CIWS stand for?
    Close-In Weapon System
  12. What does RAM stand for?
    Rolling Airframe Missle
  13. What does SSDS stand for?
    Ships Self Defense System
  14. What does POTS stand for?
    Plain Old Telephone System
  15. What does TVDTS stand for?
    Television Direct to Sailor
  16. What does HYDRA stand for?
    Hierarchical Yet Dynamic Reprogrammable Architecture
  17. What does DDRT stand for?
    Digital Dead Reckoning Tracer
  18. What is the purpose of CSOSS?
    Provides procedures to combat casualties on Combat Systems equipment to maximize up time and minimize down time
  19. Condition 5 (In port) Watch Stations:
    CSOOW, CSOSS Technicians
  20. Condition 3 (Normal Underway) Watch standers
    TAO, CSOOW, CSOSS Area Supervisors, CSOSS Technicians
  21. Condition 1 (GQ) Watch standers:
    TAO, CSRO, CSOOW, CSOSS Area Supervisors, CSOSS Technicians
  22. What does ESS stand for and what does he manage?
    Electronics Systems Supervisor - Tactical data systems, Link 4A, Link 11, Link 16 SSDS
  23. What does ICS stand for and what does he manage?
    Interior Communications Supervisor - Phones, TV, Alarms
  24. What does ISS stand for and what does he manage?
    Information Systems Supervisor - ADP, NIPR, SIPR, NTCSS, MCMS
  25. What does RSS stand for and what does he manage?
    Radar Systems Supervisor - WSN-7 and all radars, except SPS-48 and SPQ-9B
  26. What does WSS stand for and what does he manage?
    Weapons Systems Supervisor - NATO, RAM, SPS-48, SPQ-9B
  27. What does XCS stand for and what does he manage?
    External Communications Supervisor - HF, VHF, UHF, SHF, EHF, HYDRA
  28. What is the Purpose of Fire Control?
    To direct ordinance to strike a desired target
  29. Warfare areas that utilize missiles?
    Air, surface, subsurface, strike
  30. What is the range of CIWS?
    1 nautical mile
  31. What is the range of RAM?
    4 nautical miles
  32. What is the range of ESSM?
    9 nautical miles
  33. What is the range of Harpoon?
    60 nautical miles
  34. What is the range of Tomahawk?
    1350 nautical miles
  35. What is the Fire Control Radar, its range, and product?
    • SPQ-9B, 80 nautical miles, 2D picture
    • (Replaced the TAS radar)
  36. What does CIWS stand for, what is it's firing capabilities, and what ammo does it use?
    Close-In Weapon System; 4500 rounds per minute for air targets, 3000 rounds per minute for surface targets, drum capacity is 1550 rounds, each made of heavy metal tungsten (previously used depleted uranium)
  37. How many .50 caliber gun mounts do we have?
  38. What are the 4 D's of a weapon system?
    Detection, Direction, Delivery, and Destruction
  39. What does HF stand for, its band, and use?
    • High Frequency
    • 3-30Mhz, long range communications
  40. How many transmitters does HF use? How many systems and types? How many antennas and types?
    • 17 transmitters, 28 receivers
    • 4 systems (2 broadband, 2 narrowband)
    • 5 antennas (2 broadband, 2 narrowband, 1 receiver)
    • Used for HF Link 11 capabilities
  41. What is VHF, its band, and use?
    • Very High Frequency
    • 30-300Mhz, bridge to bridge maritime communications
  42. Where are VHF transmitters located?
    • Shipboard: Pilot House, Aux Con, Sea Combat, and Flag Bridge
    • Mobile: Both RHIBs and admirals barge
    • Used for safe navigation of the ship
  43. What is UHF, its band, and use?
    • Ultra high frequency
    • 300Mhz-3Ghz
    • Line of Sight and Satellite communications
    • Used for voice and data tactical communication circuits
  44. What are the applied uses of UHF onboard?
    • Dedicated radios for watch stations in pri-fly, CATCC, and LSO Platform
    • 32 LOS radios, two SATCOM systems
    • SATCC is primary interface with UHF for communication with aircraft
  45. What is SHF, its band, and use?
    • Super high frequency
    • 3-30Ghz, DSCS (Defense Satellite Communications System) and CBSP (Commercial Broadband Satellite Program)
  46. What are the applied uses of SHF onboard?
    • Satellite communications
    • Used for IP services (Internet, email, phones)
  47. What is EHF, its band, and use?
    • Extremely High Frequency
    • 30-300Ghz, Tomahawk mission data planning, tactical comms, IP services for strike
  48. What does HYDRA stand for? What is the primary and secondary use underway and in port?
    • Hierarchical Yet Dynamic Reprogrammable Architecture
    • Underway, primary use is Flight deck comms, secondary is DC
    • In port, primary use is Security forces, secondary is DC
  49. What is WQC-2A for and what is it also known as?
    underwater telephone system, used to communicate with submarines, aka Gertrude
  50. Where is Gertrude located?
    Pitsword trunk
  51. What does GBS stand for and what is it?
    • Global Broadcast System
    • Secondary television and secure video feed
  52. What is the purpose, range, and product of the SPS-48?
    • Primary Air Search radar
    • 220 nautical miles
    • 3D air search
  53. What is the purpose, range, and product of the SPS-49?
    • Secondary Air Search radar
    • 256 nautical miles
    • 2D air search
  54. What is the purpose, range, and product of the SPS-67?
    • Primary Surface Search
    • 100 nautical miles
    • 2D surface search
  55. What is the purpose, range, and product of the SPS-73?
    • Secondary Surface Search
    • 96 nautical miles
    • 2D navigation
  56. What is WSN-7, what does it do, and where is it?
    • RLGN - ring laser gyro navigator
    • Provides ships position data, including pitch and roll data
    • Located in fore and aft IC
  57. What is the purpose and range of the SPS-74?
    • Periscope
    • 32 nautical miles
  58. What are the factors that affect radar?
    • Atmospheric conditions
    • sea return
    • weather
    • radar height
  59. What is the fathometer?
    provides depth of water
  60. What is the pitsword?
    provides speed through water
  61. What is Moriah?
    provides wind speed data
  62. Where is the Belknap Pole and what is on top of it?
    • Fwd of elevator 1
    • Moriah
  63. What is the digital compass?
    Provides bearing data
  64. What does DDRT do?
    Used to plot ship's recent course
  65. What is the 1MC?
    General Announcing System, Ship-Wide
  66. What is the 3MC?
    General Announcing System, Hangar Deck
  67. What is the 4MC?
    Damage Control Announcing, Repair Lockers/DC Central
  68. What is the 5MC?
    General Announcing System, Flight Deck
  69. What is the 23MC?
    Engineering/Reactor Announcing circuit
  70. What is 46MC?
    Weapons and Magazines
  71. What are sound powered phones used for?
    Damage Control, Lookouts, and Casualty Control
  72. What is the IVN (Integrated Voice Network)?
    Ship's Telephone System
  73. What is ICSM and who monitors it?
    • Alarm System
    • monitored by MCMS
  74. How many edge switches do we have?
  75. How many backbone switches do we have?
  76. What combat systems spaces are manned 24/7 underway?
    CSMC, Maincomm, EKMS Vault, ADP
  77. What is the route email takes from sailor to commercial email?
    Workstation > Edge Switch > Backbone Switch > Exchange Server > Backbone Switch > ADNS Router > RF Path (WSC-6, WSC-8, or EHF) > Satellite > NOC (3rd fleet goes to Hawaii, 5th fleet goes to Bahrain) > Commercial Email
  78. Where are the RAM launchers?
    FWD port, Aft Stbd
  79. Where are the NATO launchers?
    FWD Stbd, Aft Port
  80. Where are the CIWS mounts?
    Fwd Stbd, aft port
  81. Where is the WSC-8 antenna?
    Aft port
  82. Where is the HF Receiver antenna?
    Belknap pole
  83. Where are the WQC-2A transducers?
    7th deck, FWD-most frame
  84. Where is the pitsword?
    Pump room #2 (FWD mess decks, by the phones)
  85. Where is the fathometer?
    Pitsword trunk
  86. Where is the sea valve?
    Pitsword trunk
  87. Where is CSMC?
  88. Where is Maincomm?
  89. Where is the unclass network managed?
  90. What type of missile does the ESSM use?
  91. What type of missile does the RAM use?
  92. What is a hang-fire?
    Delay in ignition
  93. What is a mis-fire?
    Failure in ignition
  94. What is a hot gun?
    Temperature is high enough to "cook-off" rounds
  95. What is the train warning circle?
    Painted line 18" from the farthest projecting point of a weapons launcher
  96. What does HE-PD stand for?
    High explosive point detonation
  97. What does HE-VT stand for?
    High explosive variable time
  98. What does HE-IR stand for?
    High explosive infrared
  99. What does WP stand for?
    White phosphorous
  100. What is a "blue band"?
    Dummy round
  101. What is the 4D step process for NATO engagement?
    • Detection - SPQ-9B or air radars detect contact and establish position, this is then send to SSDS
    • Direction - SSDS relays target to NATO and weapon system positions to "paint" the target
    • Delivery - Proper firing voltages are set and one or more ESSMs are fired to intercept the painted target
    • Destruction - Missile intercepts target and either impacts skin-to-skin or by focused blast
  102. What does NTCSS consist of?
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Combat Systems