White mod.

  1. Stages of Labor
    • 1. uterine contraction, water breaks
    • 2.Cervix completely dilated and baby delivered
    • 3. After child is born, ends with expulsion of afterbirth
    • 4. Bleeding is Controlled
  2. Embryo
    Developing offspring first 8 weeks
  3. Fetus
    Developing offspring from 3rd month to birth
  4. Meiosis
    Sex Cell division
  5. Erik Erikson
    Developed the 8 Psychosocial stages throughtout our lifespan
  6. Stages of Grief
    • Shock & Denial
    • Anger & Pain
    • Negotiation & Bargaining
    • Withdrawal & Depression
    • Acceptance & Resolution
  7. Paraphasing
    restatement what you have heard, using your own words or phrases
  8. EHR = Electronic Medical Record
    reduction of redundant documentation and automated alerts improve patient satisfaction
  9. HIPAA = Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act of 1996
    • system security
    • patient privacy
    • intuitive user interface
    • quality control
    • accountability
    • openness of policies, produres, and technology
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White mod.