Unit 7 Study Guide

  1. the second skin layer, containing nerve endings and blood vessels
  2. the outer skin layer made of tough dead cells
  3. a body part that produces a substance needed by the body
  4. a thin cord that carries messages to or from the brain.
  5. the body system that includes the brain, spinal cod, and nerves, by which the actions of the body are cdontrolled
    nervous system
  6. an action performed because of a stimulus
  7. the ability to receive some type of stimulus
  8. a body part, such as an eye or an ear, that receives stimuli and sends messages about them to the brain
    sense organ
  9. plural stimuli, anything that can cause on to make a responce
  10. one of the smaller tubes that carry air to the lungs
    bronchial tubes
  11. a sheet of muscle below the lungs, which contracts to bring in air
  12. the flap that closes the top of the trachea in a swallowing
  13. the passages in the head where incoming air is warmed and cleaned
    nasal passages
  14. the body system that includes the lungs, diaphragm, and various air passages, by which oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide is released
    respiratory system
  15. the stiff-walled air passages in the throat
  16. two bands in the throat that vibrate to produce the sound of the voice
    vocal chords
  17. the receiving of dissolved materials in the blood
  18. the body system that includes the stomach and intestines, by which food is changed into a material that dissolves
    digestive system
  19. a chemical that causes digestion
  20. a tube with muscles to move food to the stomach
  21. the material in food that will not digest
  22. the liquid added in the stomach to digest food
    gastric juice
  23. the tube where undigested food is stored to be passed out of the body
    large intestine
  24. the watery fluid in the mouth that starts the digestion of food
  25. the tube where enzymes are added to food and where dissolved food is absorbed through villli
    small intestine
  26. small fingerlike parts in the small intestine, which absorb food
  27. a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  28. a receiving chamber of the heart
  29. a tiny blood vessel with walls one cell thick
  30. the body system that includes heart and the blood vessels, by which blood is circulated through the body
    circulatory system
  31. the yellowish water solution of the blood
  32. the change of blood pressure that shows the heart beat
  33. a red blood cell, which carries oxygen to the body cells and carries waste carbon dioxide away.
    red corpuscle
  34. a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart
  35. a pumping chamber of the heart
  36. a white blood cell, which fights germs
    white corpuscle
  37. a person who has _______ loses the sense of touch in the affected areas
  38. the ______ is renewed about once every two months because the surface cells are constantly flaking off and being replaced
  39. washing the skin helps get rid of germs and to avoid an unpleasant body ______
  40. the air coming out of the lungs has more ____ _____ then the air coming in
    carbon dioxide
  41. the nasal passages both ____ and _____ the air before it goes into the lungs
    warms, cleans
  42. in the mouth, the food is broken and crushed by the _____
  43. digestion begins in the mouth when an enzyme in _____ turns starch into sugar
  44. to help keep the large intestine healthy, you should eat food that has plenty of _____
  45. you should not eat much food rich in _____ because it is hard to digest
  46. you how a heart with _____ (how many ) chambers?
  47. the ____ _____ have a material containing iron that can carry much oxygen and carbon dioxide
    red corpuscles
  48. which of these is a stimulus ?

    A. the calling of your name by your mother
  49. which of these is in the right order?

    C. stimulus, nerve organ, nerve, brain
  50. the skin is an insulator because it has

    B. fat
  51. what statement is correct?

    D. the respiratory system gives something and takes something from your body
  52. which of these is in the right order?

    D. nasal passages, trachea, bronchial tubes, tiny air sacs
  53. the lungs have many tiny air sacs instead of one large sac because

    B. the tiny sacs provide more surface area
  54. the rate of breathing is automatically controlled by

    C. the brain stem
  55. which of these does the stomach not do for the body?

    D. stores food for passing out the body
  56. which of these is in the right order?

    D. esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
  57. when the pulse is checked, changes of pressure are felt in

    B. an artery
  58. which of these does not have a network of capillaries

    B. epidermis
  59. which of these is in the right order?

    C. arteries, capillaries, veins, heart
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Unit 7 Study Guide
All the vocabulary words or Science unit 7.