Ch 19 Heart test B

  1. Atrial systole begins

    C. immediately after the P wave.
  2. Atrial depolarization causes

    C. the P wave.
  3. The long plateau in the action potential observed in cardiocytes is probably related with _____________ staying longer in their cytosol.

    E. Ca2+
  4. When the left ventricle contracts, the _____ valve closes and the _____ valve is pushed open.

    D. mitral; aortic
  5. Mitral valve stenosis causes blood to leak back into the ___________ when the ventricles contract.

    E. left atrium
  6. Isovolumetric contraction occurs during the _________ of the electrocardiogram.

    D. R wave
  7. During isovolumetric contraction, the pressure in the ventricles

    D. rises rapidly.
  8. Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) generates a murmur associated with the _____ heart sound that occurs when the ____.

    A. lubb (S1); ventricles contract
  9. This is the correct sequence of events of the cardiac cycle.

    C. ventricular filling → isovolumetric contraction → ventricular ejection → isovolumetric relaxation
  10. Most of the ventricle filling occurs

    B. during atrial diastole.
  11. Congestive heart failure (CHF) of the right ventricle

    D. can cause systemic edema.
  12. Assume that the left ventricle of a child's heart has an EDV=90mL, and ESV=60mL, and a cardiac output of 2,400 mL/min. His SV and HR are

    C. SV=30 mL/beat, HR=80 bpm.
  13. _____________ increase(s) stroke volume.

    E . Dehydration
    D. Increased venous return
  14. The volume of blood ejected by each ventricle in one minute is called

    E. the cardiac output.
  15. Cardioinhibitory centers in the _____________ receive input from __________.

    A. medulla oblongata; chemoreceptors in the aortic arch
  16. The Frank-Starling law of the heart states that stroke volume is proportional to

    C. the end-diastolic volume.
Card Set
Ch 19 Heart test B