Bio 150 Vessels

  1. Arteries are sometimes called the _______________ vessels of the cardiovascular system because they have strong-resilient tissue strucure.

    A. resistance
  2. ______________ have the thickest tunica media.

    A. Large arteries
  3. The outermost wall of an artery or vein is called the __________________ and in large arteries and veins contains the ______________.

    A. tunica externa; vasa vasorum
  4. Most blood is in the

    D. veins.
  5. These are all possible circulatory routes from the heart except

    C. heart → arteries → capillary bed → vein → capillary bed → arteries →heart
  6. Vasomotion is associated with the presence of

    A. smooth muscle in the tunica media.
  7. In people who stand for long periods, blood tends to pool in the lower limbs and this may result invaricose veins. Varicose veins are caused by
    A. an aneurysm or weak point in an artery. B. an aneurysm or weak point in a vein.
    C. failure of the venous valves.
    D. failure of the lymphatic valves.
    E. a ruptured aneurysm in a vein.
    C. failure of the venous valves.
  8. What is the mean arterial pressure for a person with 110 and 65 mm Hg as systolic and diastolicpressure, respectively?

    D. 80 mm Hg
  9. The velocity of blood flow decreases when
    A. viscosity increases.
    B. blood pressure increases.
    C. vessel radius increases.
    D. afterload increases.
    E. vasomotion decreases.
    A. viscosity increases.
  10. The medullary ischemic reflex results in

    D. increased circulation to the brain.
  11. _______________ has the most important effect on blood velocity.

    B. Vessel radius
  12. Reactive hyperemia is a result of ________________ to increase perfusion into a tissue.

    B. local control
  13. All of these increase blood pressure except

    E. atrial natriuretic peptide.
  14. The vasomotor center of the __________________ controls blood vessels throughout the body.

    A. medulla oblongata
  15. Hypertension is commonly considered to be a chronic resting blood pressure higher than

    C. 140/90.
  16. ____________ are powerful vasoconstrictors, and _______________ also increases heart rate.

    E. Epinephrine and angiotensin II; epinephrine
  17. These are all mechanisms of movement through the capillary wall except

    E. secretion.
  18. The most important force driving filtration at the arterial end of a capillary is
    A. oncotic pressure.
    B. tissue fluid colloid osmotic pressure.
    C. blood colloid osmotic pressure.
    D. interstitial hydrostatic pressure.
    E. blood hydrostatic pressure.
    E. blood hydrostatic pressure.
  19. ________________ by the capillaries at their venous end.

    B. Waste products are taken up
  20. The most important force driving reabsorption at the venous end of a capillary is

    D. interstitial hydrostatic pressure.
    E. blood hydrostatic pressure.
    B. blood colloid osmotic pressure.
  21. All these can lead to edema except

    C. hyperproteinemia.
  22. ____________ would not increase capillary filtration.

    D. Dehydration
  23. A mean arterial pressure (MAP) below 60 mmHg can cause _____, whereas a MAP above 160 mmHg can cause _____________.

    D. syncope; cerebral edema
  24. _______________ does not contribute to venous return.

    C. Widespread vasodilation
  25. ___________________ shock can be produced by hemorrhage, severe burns, or dehydration.

    C. Hypovolemic
  26. ______________ shock occurs when bacterial toxins trigger vasodilation and increase capillarypermeability.

    D. Septic
  27. A bee sting can trigger a massive release of histamine, which causes ___________ and a(n) _____________ in arterial blood pressure.

    A. vasodilation; decrease
  28. Myocardial infarction can lead to _______________ shock.

    A. cardiogenic
  29. The most important force in venous flow is

    D. the pressure generated by the heart.
  30. Blood flow to the _______________ remains quite stable even when mean arterial pressure (MAP) fluctuates from 60 to 140 mm Hg.

    D. hypothalamus
  31. Pulmonary arteries have ________________ blood pressure compared to systemic arteries.

    E. considerably lower
  32. How many pulmonary arteries empty into the right atrium of the heart?

    C. 0
  33. The lungs receive a systemic blood supply by way of the

    E. bronchial arteries.
  34. There are no ________________ in humans.

    D. right and left brachiocephalic arteries
  35. The _______________ supplies 80% of the cerebrum.

    C. internal carotid artery
  36. The cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis) is

    A. an anastomosis surrounding the pituitary gland.
  37. From superior to inferior, the major branches of the abdominal aorta are

    E. celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, renal arteries, gonadal arteries, inferior mesenteric artery, and common iliac arteries.
  38. The principal venous drainage of the thoracic organs is accomplished by way of
    A. the branches of the celiac trunk.
    B. the azygos system.
    C. mesenteric circulation.
    D. the hepatic portal system.
    E. the coronary and pulmonary veins.
    B. the azygos system.
  39. These are all tributaries of the inferior vena cava except

    A. the vertebral veins.
  40. These are all veins of the upper limb except

    D. the great saphenous vein.
  41. These are all vessels of the lower limb except

    B. the anterior interosseous artery.
  42. This is the longest vein, and portions of this vein are commonly used as grafts in coronary bypasssurgery.

    C. the great saphenous vein
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Bio 150 Vessels