
  1. Image Upload 2Dog
    • Paragonimus kellicotti
    • Lung Fluke
    • Operculated
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    Paragonimus kellicotti
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    Paragonimus kellicotti
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    • Name: Paragonimus kellicotti
    • Common/Nickname: Lung fluke
    • Species: dogs, cats and rarely man
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    • Name: Alaria canis
    • Common/Nickname: Intestinal fluke
    • Egg is yellow looking, thin shelles and partially embryonated. X100
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    Alaria sp. egg
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    Alaria canis X410
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    Alaria eggs collapsed by osmotic pressure of the solution used for flotation.
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    Alaria canis in small intestine, attached by suckers
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    Fasciola hepatica (more tapered in shape than Alaria canis)
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    • Name: Fasciola hepatica 
    • Common/Nickname: Common liver fluke
    • Species: cattle, sheep, goats, swine
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    Fasciola hepatica egg
  13. Image Upload 26Sheep
    Location of eggs:
    • Name: Fascioloides magna
    • Common/Nickname: Large American like fluke
    • Species: Sheep, goats and rarely horses
    • Location of eggs: Because cattle are the normal hosts, the egg usually remains in the liver.
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    • Dicrocoelium dendriticum
    • Fascioloides magna
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    • Name: Dicrocoelium dendriticum
    • Common/Nickname: Lesser or lancet liver fluke
    • Smaller or nearly transparent
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    Dicrocoelium dendriticum eggs
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    Fluke infected liver with fibrotic biliary canals
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    Fluke involved biliary system of the caudate lobe
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    Dicrocoelium dendriticum egg
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    Dicrocoelium dendriticum eggshell, notice operculum (arrow) high power
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    Liver cross section w/enlarged calcified bile duct resulting from chronic infection with Fasciola hepatica, the common liver fluke
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    Specimen of common liver fluke Fasciola hepatica
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    Liver damage due to chronic infection with Fasciola hepatica
  24. Low lying poorly drained pastures in the Gulf Coast region of the U.S. are ideal habitat for the maintenance of the ______________ which is the intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica.
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    Living mesocercaria of Alaria canis
  26. Alaria sp. flukes have mult intermediate host that live as adults in the intestines of _____.
    Cercarias pass from the ________ and enter the ______ in which the metacercariae stage develop. The final host eats _________.
    • Carnivores (dogs, cat, weasel, minks, coyotes)
    • Snails
    • Tadpoles, frogs or other mammals
    • mice, rats or racoons.
  27. Image Upload 50coyote
    Stained and mounted speciment of Alaria canis collected from a coyote.
  28. Image Upload 52Sheep
    Condition occurs in what regional location?
    Schistomaes are the best known fluke because of the serious disease they cause in man. Schistosimiasis still rages unchecked in tropic and arid countries. This slide shows gross pathologic chgs assoc w/sheep Schistosoma matheei infection with gray lung of inf sheep on the left compared to normal lung on rt.
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    Close-up inflammation and pigmentation as a response to fluke tracks made through the ducts.
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    Condition name:
    • Name: Pseudosuccinea columella
    • Common/Nickname: American ribbed fluke
    • Host: Snail
    • Condition name: Fascioliasis
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    Sheep grazing near stream - an area and situation ideal for the transmission of Fasciola hepatica to potential hosts.
  32. Image Upload 60Deer
    Lesions of Fascioloides magna in excised deer liver, adult worms in incised cyst are visible.
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    Adult Fascioloides magna trematodes and tract marks in a bovine liver.
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    Dicrocoelium dendriticum is an elongated narrow fluke measuring about 2X8 mm. Known as the "lancet or lesser liver fluke". It occurs in the bile ducts and liver. Slide shows a stained adult - oral and ventral suckers, the digestive ceca, the testes, ovary, vitelline glands and uterus are readily seen.
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    Name of parasite that affects man in Far East:
    Name of dog parasite:
    • Name of parasite that affects man in Far East: Paragonimus wetermani
    • Name of dog parasite: Paragonimus kellicotti
    • This slide depicts an adult Paragonimus migrating on the trachea of a dog.
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    Illustrates the rarely seen but heavily infected encysted lung of an infected cat.
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    Rickettsia name:
    Adult Nanophytes salmincola fluke. The fluke inhabits the intestines of the dog, fox, racoon and other fish (salmon) eating mammal which ingests and harbors both fluke and the etiological agent of "Salmon Poisoning" a rickettsia, Neorickettsia helminthoeca.
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    • Oocyst of:
    • A - Strongyle egg
    • B - Strongyloides westeri egg
    • C - Eimeria leukarti 
  39. Image Upload 74Farm animal
    Oocyst of Eimeria leukarti, 2 Strongyle eggs and an egg of Strongyloides westeri
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    Oocyst of Eimeria zuernii, one of the more pathogenic of the 11 species of coccidian of cattle in North America
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    Oocysts of Eimeria zuernii X410
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    Giardia bovis a flagellate protozoan of cattle. This mobile forms are taken from the contents of the small intestines.
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    Giardia bovis showing the 2 posterior flagella
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    Giardia bovis showing the ventral sucking disc and the two nuclei X410
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    Giardia bovis - oblique view to show the ventral concavity and the posterior flagella. X410
  46. Image Upload 88Sheep
    Oocyst of Eimera ovina, one of the more pathogenic species of coccidia of sheep in North America.
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    Oocyst of Eimera ovina. A polar cap is present at the end of the cyst. X410
  48. Image Upload 92Pig
    Trichomonas suis. The swine nasal trichomonad. The appearance is also characteristic for species occurring in feces from the most domestic animals
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    Trichomonas suis X800 Slides are made from direct smears using mild saline solution or lactated ringers solution.
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    Oocysts of Eimeria ovina - Coccidian of swine. Also the eggs of Oesophagostomum sp (nodular worm)
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    Oocysts of Eimeria sp. 3 species are shown.
  52. Image Upload 100Pig
    Name of the condition:
    May cause dysentery in what species:
    Balantidium coli, a ciliated protozoan found in the cecum and colon of swine, causing balantidosis. This is the mature form (trophozoite) which maybe seen in feces of swine having diarrhea. This species may cause dysentery in man and monkeys. X100
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    Balantidium coli trophozoite (mature form) X410
  54. Image Upload 104Dog
    Sporulated oocysts and sporocysts of Isospora bigemina, a coccidium of dogs, cats, foxes. The large oocysts are those of Isospora ohioensis.
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    Sporulated oocysts and sporocysts of Isospora bigemina
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    Oocysts of Isospora felis (F), I. rivolta (R) Toxoplasma gondii (T) and Isospora cati (C) the 1st 3 coccidia are excreted unsporulated whereas I. cati is excreted sporulated usually as a free sporocyst.
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    Isospora felis oocysts sporulated (A) and unsporulated (B) and hookworm egg (C)
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    Oocysts of Isospora canis, one shows the beginning to sporulation X410
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    The characteristic face of Giardia is produced by the nucleus, nucleoli and the centroile rod.
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    Fresh cyst of Giardia show the thin, smooth outer cyst wall, and by focusing up and down one can see the internal structures.
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    The wobbling of Trichomonas trophozoites best seen on fresh saline solution. Rippling of the undulating membrane are flagellate movements detected by microscopy.
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    Trophozoites of Entamoeba can be found in fresh dog feces and ID by the appearance of the nucleus which is characteristic of amoebae. The organism sometimes becomes invasive causing severe dysentery.
  63. Image Upload 122Dog
    This parasite can usually be seen in dog feces in conjunction with what other parasite?
    The large cysts of Balantidium coli are usually seen in dog feces in conjunction with Trichuris infection
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    Unlike many protozoan organisms, coccidian oocysts float readily with little distortion in most flotation solutions
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    What is the division called?
    What is the time period that a sporocyst can form?
    The process of sporulation with coccidia occurs quickly in warm humid conditions and the sporocysts can form in 24-48 hrs in feces.
  66. Image Upload 128Cow
    Although oocysts of the Eimeria type occur in dogs, their pathogenicity is not known.
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    Development of mature Eimeria sporocysts is proceeded by division of the intact single cell of the oocyst into 4 cells
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    Fungal spores with oocysts in an unidentified species of animal.
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    Direct smear with numerous oocysts (Eimeria) of varied size and species. This slide is from a ruminant. Note the twigs and hay (cellulose) undigested.
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    Oocysts of Toxoplasma (upper rt) and Eimeria oocysts (lower rt). Toxoplasma not commonly seen in feces from farm animals.
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    Name the stage of cell found in rabbit feces
    Oocysts of rabbit feces
  72. Image Upload 140Dog
    Oocysts from dog. Isospora canis. Note that there is mild variation even among oocysts of the same species.
Card Set
Trematodes, Protozoans