
  1. lower part of the brain responsibel for a variety of vital functions and regulatory activities, including respiratory and circulatory functions
  2. an outpocketing of the brain located posterior t the brainstem; primarily concerned with coordination of movement and balance
  3. largest and most superior portion of the brain responsible for intellectual activity, motor control, sensory perception, visual stimuli, smell, hearing, and other body functions
  4. rigid collars that provide partial immobilization and prevent some movement of the cervical spine
    cervical collar
  5. force that occurs when on spinal vertebra is driven into another; may be transmitted from above or below
    compressioin force
  6. transient loss of consciousness or neurologic function as a result of trauma to the brain
  7. reflex due to cerebral ischemia that causes an increase in blood pressure, decrease in pulse rate, and changes in breathing patterns
    cushing's reflex
  8. force that involves fixed and mobile vertebrae that are bent to the point of fracture.
    flexion force
  9. holding a patients head in a neutral position that is in line with the rest of the body
    manual inline stabilization
  10. specialized rescue removal technique used to extricate a critical patient quickly from a vehicle crash with minimal flexion, extension, or rotation ao the spinal column
    rapid extrication
  11. the central nervous system is composed of what 2 nervous systems?
    central nervous system/peripheral nervous system
  12. to protrude or rupter
  13. the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord
  14. what are the 3 layers of the meninges from the outer most layer to the inner most layer
    dura, arachnoid, pia mater
  15. what branch of the nervous system brings information to the spinal cord and brain
    sensory branch
  16. the nervous branch that transmits information from the brain and spinal cord to organs, muscles, and tissues, regulating their activity
    motor nerves
  17. levels of injury above C3 causes what respiratory status and whats the treatment?
    complete paralysis of all muscles of respiration/positive-pressure ventalation, oxygen
  18. level of injury below C5 causes what respiratory status, and treatment?
    paralysis of intercostal and abdominal muscles, causing decreased tidal voulume and ineffective cough/supplemental oxygen, may require positive-pressure ventilation, suction of airway
  19. what are the 5 secondary complications that can occure when direct injury to the brain occurs?
    • 1. hypoxia
    • 2. hypotension
    • 3. hypoglycemia
    • 4. infections
    • 5. intracranial pressure
  20. posture in which the arms are flexed but the legs are extended
    abnormal flexion (decorticate posturing)
  21. posture in which the arms are extended and internally rotated at the shoulder with the wrists flexed and the legs extended
    abnormal extension (decerebrate posturing)
  22. whats the highest score and the lowest score in the Glasgow Coma Scale Score?
    15 and 3
  23. what are the 3 parameters of the Glascow Coma Scale Score?
    • 1. eye opening
    • 2. verbal response
    • 3. motor response
  24. what are the 3 parameters for the infant glasgow coma scale
    • 1. eye opening
    • 2. verbal response= coos, irritable cry cries to pain, moans/grunts, no response
    • 3. motor response=obeys, localizes, withdraws, flexor response, extensor responce, no response
Card Set
Injuries to the head and spine