
  1. what's happening in hip at heel strike
    glut max and hammies work eccentrically to resist flexion moment
  2. what's happening in hip at foot flat
    glut max and hamstrings contract concentrically to bring hip into ext
  3. what's happening in hip at  midstance
    ilipsoas activity continuing
  4. what's happening in hip at toe off
    • adductor magnus working ecc to control/stabilize pelvis
    • iliopsoas activity continuing
  5. rotation of tibia during gait
    it's IR in foot flat, but otherwise it's ER
  6. what's happening in knee at heel strike
    quad eccentric contraction to control knee flexion/prevent buckling
  7. what's happening in knee at foot flat
    quads becomes concentric to bring femur over tibia
  8. what's happening in knee at midstance
    gastroc concentric -- starts knee flexion
  9. what's happening in knee at toe-off
    • quads eccentrically 
    • (the reaction force moves post to joint as knee flexes, creating a flex moment)
  10. what's happening in foot/ankle at heel strike
    DF ecc
  11. what's happening in foot/ankle at foot flat
    PF ecc
  12. what's happening in foot/ankle at midstance
    PF ecc
  13. what's happening in foot/ankle at heel off
    PF conc
  14. what's happening in foot/ankle at toe-off
    PF conc at peak activity, but become inactive when foot leaves ground
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