Chapter 12 Regression Line

  1. Regression equation
    y= slope x (x) + intercept (x=0)
  2. Regression Line Slope Eqautions
    Image Upload 2 Formula for slope 

    To find out the slope of y you must know the average income and SD of y and x values


    • (x) Average education = 12.5 ,  SD = 3Average
    • (y) Income = 30,000, SD = 24,000
    • r=.25

    Image Upload 4 = 2,000

    to find the value of y when x =0

    12.5 (Ave of x) 2000 = 25,000 

    were going to subtract 25,000 from the average y; to get y when x =0

    30,000-25,000 = 5000
  3. Regression Equation
    Predicted Income =Image Upload 6  x (x-value) + (y when x=0)

    • Note:
    • to find the value of y when x =0 

    • Slope Formula x (x average) =z 
    • y-z = y when x = 0
  4. Regression Line r.m.s error
    regression line also called least squared line, make rms error as small as possible
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Chapter 12 Regression Line
Regression Line