Chapter 6 - Qualitative Approaches to Research

  1. A process of learning and constructing the meaning of human experience through intensive dialogue with persons who are living the experience.
    Phenomenological method
  2. When the researcher identifies their own personal biases about the phenomenon of interest to clarify how personal experience and beliefs may color what is heard and reported.
  3. in phenomenological research, a term used to refer to the focus on living through events and circumstances rather than thinking about these events and circumstances.
    Lived experience
  4. The situation of obtaining the full range of data from the participants so that in interviewing additional participant, no new data are emerging.
    Data saturation
  5. An inductive approach involving a systematic set of procedures to arrive at a theory about basic social processes.
    Grounded theory method
  6. Used to select experiences that will help the researcher to test hunches and ideas and to gather complete information about developing concept
    Theoretical sampling
  7. Derived from the Greek term ethnos, meaning people, race, or cultural group. Focus is on scientific description and interpretation of cultural are social groups in systems.
    Ethnographic method
  8. The natives or insiders view of the world.
    Emic view
  9. An outsiders view of another's world
    Etic view
  10. The system of knowledge and linguistic expressions used by social groups that allows the researcher to interpret or make sense of the world.
  11. Individuals who have special knowledge or communication skills, and who are willing to teach the ethnographer about the phenomenon.
    Key informants
  12. Symbolic categories that include smaller categories.
  13. Studying the peculiarities and the commonalities of a specific case, irrespective of the actual strategies for data collection and analysis that Is used to explore the research questions.
    Case study method
  14. Undertaken to have a better understanding of the case.
    Intrinsic case study
  15. Used when researchers are pursuing insight into an issue or want to challenge some generalization.
    Instrumental case study
  16. a research method that systematically accesses the voice of a community to plan context-appropriate action
    Community-based participatory research
  17. Using two pieces of information to locate a third, unique finding.
  18. Truth of findings is judged by participants and others within the discipline.
  19. Accountability as judged by the adequacy of information leading the reader from the research question and raw data through various steps of analysis to the interpretation of findings.
  20. Faithfulness to everyday reality of the participants, described in enough detail so that others in the discipline can evaluate importance for their own practice, research, and theory development.
  21. Quantitatively oriented aggregation of qualitative findings that are topical orthognathic summaries or surveys of data.
    Meta summary
  22. An interpretive integration of qualitative findings that are interpretive synthesis of data, including the phenomenology, ethnographies, grounded theories, and other integrated and coherent descriptions or explanations of phenomena, events, or cases that are the hallmarks of Qualitative research.
    Meta synthesis
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Chapter 6 - Qualitative Approaches to Research