Chapter 3 Chem

  1. SI unit for amount of substance
    Mole (mol)
  2. The mole refers to what?
    the number of atoms, molecules, or formula units etc in your sample
  3. defined as the number of atoms in exactly 12 grams of Carbon-12 Atoms
    one mole
  4. 1 mole of element X=
    gram atomic mass of X
  5. For molecular compounds and elements, adding the atomic masses of all atoms in the formula results in the?
    Molecular mass(molecular weight)
  6. 1 mole of molecule X=
    gram molecular mass of X
  7. the sum of the masses of all the atoms in the formula of an ionic compound
    formula mass
  8. 1 mole of X=
    gram molar mass of X
  9. Avogadro's number
    6.022X1023 units of X
  10. the number of particles in a mole
    avogadro's number
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Chapter 3 Chem
Chapter 3 chem