Practice III Hamilton

  1. What is hot seat?
    When there is an extended back-and-forth between the leader and one member as the other members watch
  2. What is Free Floating
    When all members take responsibility for communicating, taking into consideration their ability to contribute meaningfully to the particular topic.
  3. What is Round Robin
    When members take turns talking.
  4. What is maypole
    When the leader of the group is the central figure and communication occurs from the leader to the member and from the member to the leader
  5. What are different strategies for addressing intense subgroup attraction?
    • Examine whether the group as a whole is sufficiently attractive to members
    • Promote the development of norms that emphasize the importance of members listening to and respecting each other. 
    • Change seating arrangements
    • Assign tasks for members to do outside of the group in subgroups composed of different members.
    • Ask for certain members to interact more frequently with other members.
    • Promote the development of norms that emphasize the importance of members' listening to and respecting each other.
    • Use program materials and exercises that separate sub-group members.
  6. What are the beginning characteristics of the stages of group development?
    • Planning
    • Organizing
    • Convening
    • Emergence of group feeling
  7. What are the "middle" characteristics of the stages of group development?
    • Problem solving
    • Performing
    • Maintenance
    • Intimacy
    • Work
    • Maturity
  8. What are the "End" characteristics of the Stages of Group development
  9. (Methods for sharing power with the group) What is Connection Power
    Being able to call on and use influential people or resources.
  10. (Methods for sharing power with the group)What is Expert Power
    having the knowledge or skill to facilitate the work of the group
  11. (Methods for sharing power with the group) What is Information Power
    Possessing information that is valuable to and needed by others.
  12. (Methods for sharing power with the group) What is Legitimate Power
    Holding a position of authority and the rights that accrue to that position in the organization or larger social system
  13. (Methods for sharing power with the group) What is reference Power
    Being liked and admired: the group members want to be identified with that worker
  14. (Methods for sharing power with the group) what is Reward Power
    Being able to offer social or tangible rewards
  15. (Methods for sharing power with the group) What is Coercive Power
    Being able to sanction, punish, or deny access to resources or priviledges
  16. What is effective Leadership (4)
    Display high levels of competency and trustworthiness
    Inspire and motivate among members with their vision
    Stimulate independent and creative thinking
    Individualize members by understanding their personal needs and goals
  17. What are the 4 skills to resolve conflict
  18. In Resolving Conflicts what is "Moderating"
    Helps the worker keep meetings within specified bounds so that conflict is avoided
  19. In Resolving Conflicts what is "Negotiating"
    Are used to help members come to an agreement or an understanding when initial options differ
  20. In Resolving Conflicts what is "Mediating"
    Are used when two or more members are in conflict and action is necessary to help them reach an agreement and resolve a dispute.
  21. In Resolving Conflicts what is "Arbitrating"
    Involve having an authoritative third person meet with the group. This person listens to the dispute and binds the members to a settlement.
  22. What are the culturally appropriate techniques and program activities when working with "Asian/Asian Americans"
    Leadership skills with more structure
  23. What are the culturally appropriate techniques and program activities when working with "Latino Elderly"
    • Health education program for caregivers of elderly that include extended family and takes cultural nuances into consideration.
    • Days for meetings flexible
  24. What are the culturally appropriate techniques and program activities when working with "Latinos"
    Ethnic identity group and consciousness raising groups to empower. Also structured activity groups where members work together on tasks.
  25. What are the culturally appropriate techniques and program activities when working with "African Americans"
    Leaders help members use social networks by incorporating traditional strengths of population into group work
  26. What are other Principles for practice with diverse populations? (10)
    Acknowledge the diversity in the group and help members explore differences
    Become culturally sensitive
    be open-minded
    Acknowledge affects of oppression, prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination
    Understand your own identity and background and how it affects group members
    Understand different communication styles and language and the affect on group members
    Understand and acknowledge power differences. Use empathy, advocacy and support
    Acknowledge and discuss cultural and spiritual traditions
    Confront/challenge those who discriminate or stereotype
    Use specialized cultural formats appropriate for group
  27. In composing groups what are the two types
  28. What is homogeneity
    • Suggest that those with similar characteristics and purpose facilitate a common bond to relate to one another and identify with each other's concerns.
    • Assess level of agreement between members regarding purpose without it there will be little basis for interacting
    • Members should have some personal characteristics such as age, education, cultural background, degree of expertise, common style/ability
  29. What is heterogeneity
    • We want diversity in groups for experience/level of expertise, life experience, gender, ethnic background, SES, etc.
    • Diversity can open up new options/alternative learning validation
    • growth groups learn form members with different characteristics
    • Task groups may ensure an adequate range or ideas, group representation expertise, division of labor. Also consider members having enough resources for dealing with complex tasks.
  30. What are the differences of "LARGE" vs small groups
    Offer more ideas, skills, and resources 
    Can handle more complex tasks
    offer members more potential for learning through role models
    Provide members with more potential for support, feedback and friendship
    Allow members to occasionally withdraw and reflect on their participation
    Help to ensure that there will be enough members for meaningful interaction even if some members fail to attend.
  31. What are the differences of "SMALL" vs. large groups
    Provide members with greater level of individualized attention
    Enable closer face-to-face interaction
    Present less opportunity for the formation of harmful subgroups
    Present fewer opportunities for members to with draw from participation
    Allow for easier management by the worker
  32. What are Edelwich and Brodsky's suggestions to addressing ambivalence and resistence
    Leader can point out that the member choose to participate in the group even if it was mandated in an agreement with a referring agency/person
    Acknowledge that the member may not want to be in the group but also note that the person freely choose the group over an alternative
    Leader should also state that members are free to end participation at any time, but that this decision to participate implies the member will adhere to the group norms and contract signed during the intake or first session
    Leader may need to remind group members of their choice to participate over other consequences as group progresses
    Group also need to help resistant/reluctant member to find reason to participate
  33. what are 5 important parts of defining the "Purpose of the Group"
    Construct a brief statement and clearly articulate it to the group
    Present it as a positive statement including what members can accomplish
    When possible, have members present and discuss their view of the groups purpose
    Discuss the role of the group in relation to its sponsoring agency, stress the mutual contributions that can be made by both
    Involve members by asking for feedback and use it to refine or modify the purpose
  34. What are the 5 variations of Round Robin?
    dividing into pairs
    Problem swapping
    Treasure hung
    My name
    Top secret
  35. What is "Top Secret"
    Members are asked to write down one thing about self that they have not or would not normally reveal to a new acquaintance. The leader collects "secrets" and reads them to the group. Members try to identify the person who wrote the secret along with giving a reason for the choice.
  36. what is "My Name"
    Members discuss how they got their names and what meaning the name has for them and for their family of origin. It often leads to interesing discussion of members feelings about self now and in the past
  37. what is "Treasure Hunt"
    Members asked to find 2-3 facts about each group member. It gives a structured but informal group interaction to help overcome anxieties.
  38. What is "Dividing into Pairs"?
    Each member, in pairs, interviews two other for 5 minutes asking for details specified by the leader. Then roles are reversed. When group reconvenes, members introduce the partner to the whole group recalling the facts learned. It helps to develop relationships and leads to greater disclosure on a 1-1 basis
  39. What is "Problem Swapping"
    Members volunteer to discuss their problems openly before the group. This opening promotes group interaction, leads to identification of shared problems and helps members to consider how they might proceed.
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Practice III Hamilton