Lit Vocab [A-G]

  1. Allegory
    A symbolic representation.
  2. Alliteration
    The repetition of consonants at the beginning of words.
  3. Allusion
    An indirect reference.
  4. Analogy
    Two situations (people or object) with a resemblance.
  5. Antagonist
    An enemy that opposes the protagonist.
  6. Anticlimax
    A break in the final climax (produces disappointed ends.
  7. Anti-petrarchan
    Does not have a formal rhyme scheme.
  8. Antithesis
    A device by which two contrasting ideas are juxtaposed.
  9. Aphorism
    A short phrase conveying some concept of thought.
  10. Apostrophe
    A punctuation mark. (')
  11. Archaic Language
    Language belonging to an earlier time + generally no longer in use.
  12. Aside
    An actor's speech directed to the audience.
  13. Assonance
    The repetition of similar vowel sounds.
  14. Atmosphere
    The mood or feeling.
  15. Audience
    A group of people listening/watching.
  16. Ballad
    A narrative folk song.
  17. Ballad Stanza
    A four-line stanza consisting of unrhymed first+third lines.
  18. Bathos
    Apparent hyperbole marked by an unrelated idea.
  19. Bias
    When an author prejudices the audience in favour of one side, ignoring the other.
  20. Blank Verse
    Unrhymed verse.
  21. Cacophony
    Words/phrases with strong+harsh sounds.
  22. Carsura
    A pause/interruption.
  23. Caricature
    A character's features that are over exaggerated.
  24. Carde Diem
    Urge someone to enjoy the present and ignore the future.
  25. Character
    A person who is responsible for the thoughts+actions.
  26. Character Foil
    A character that contrasts another character.
  27. Characterization
    The writer reveals the personality of a character.
  28. Chorus
    A group of actors who all speak the same word(s) at the same time.
  29. Classical
    A valuable material.
  30. Climax
    The most intense/exciting point of something.
  31. Colloquial Language
    The language, words and phrases used in casual situations, as opposed to formal language.
  32. Comedy
    Happy ending.
  33. Comic Relief
    A humorous scene after some serious or tragic moments.
  34. Conceit
    An unusual comparison.
  35. Conflict
    The opposition between two people, two large groups of people, or protagonist vs nature.
  36. Connotation
    The meaning a word suggests or implies.
  37. Consonance
    Repetitive sounds produced by consonants within a sentence/phrase.
  38. Couplet
    A pair of lines with rhyming ends.
  39. Denotation
    Refers to the use of the dictionary definition or literal meaning of a word.
  40. Denoument
  41. Dialect
    The language of a particular class/group.
  42. Dialogue
    The lines spoken by the characters in a play/story.
  43. Diary
    An informal record of a person's life.
  44. Diction
    The choice of a particular word opposed to others.
  45. Didactic
    The moral of the story.
  46. Dilemma
    A circumstance in which a choice must be made between two or more alternatives.
  47. Dissonance
    A harsh combination of sounds.
  48. Dramatic Irony
    When the reader know something in which the character(s) does not.
  49. Dramatic Monologue
    A poem in the form of a speech, in which the speaker inadvertently reveals aspects of their character while describing a particular situation/event.
  50. Elegy
    A mournful poem.
  51. English Shakespearean Sonnet
    a sonnet form used by Shakespeare and has the rhyme scheme abab, cdcd, efef, gg.
  52. Epic
    An extended narrative poem, written in an elevated style. It includes a deity/demigod/hero.
  53. Epigram
    A short witty poem.
  54. Epigraph
    A literally quotation placed at the beginning of a book/other text.
  55. Epilogue
    A conclusion added to a literary work.
  56. Epitaph
    A poem written in memory of a deceased person.
  57. Essay
    A written composition exploring a particular issue/subject.
  58. Euphemism
    Using a mild/gentle phrase.
  59. Euphony
    Grouping words together harmoniously.
  60. Exposition
    The opening section of a book/play which shows background information about characters.
  61. Extended metaphor
    A comparison between two unlike things that continues throughout a series of sentences.
  62. Figurative Language
    Using words/expressions with a meaning that differs from the literal interpretation.
  63. Foreshadowing
    A hint that shows what's going to happen in the future.
  64. Free Verse
    A poem without a rhyme scheme.
  65. Genre
    A category of literature.
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Lit Vocab [A-G]
Lit Vocab.