Chapter 8 - Introduction to Quantitative Research

  1. Fidelity or uniformity over the tested variables. Measures used to hold uniform or constant the conditions under which an investigation occurs.
  2. A variable that interferes with the operation of the phenomenon being studied
    Intervening, extraneous, or meditating variable
  3. Similarity of conditions
  4. The inferences that the data are representative of certain phenomena in a population beyond the studied sample
  5. A distortion in the data analysis results
  6. Methods and procedures of data collection are the same for all subjects
  7. The group in an experimental investigation that does not receive an intervention it treatment. The comparison group
    Control group
  8. The interval validity that that refers to effects outside of the experimental setting that may affect the dependent variable
  9. The antecedent or the variables that has tge presumed effect on the detergent variable
    Independent variable
  10. Changes in the measurement of the variables that may account fur changes in the obtained measurement
  11. The degree to which it can be inferred that tge disintegration treatment rather than an unfiltered condition, resulted in the observed effects
    Internal validity
  12. A variable that occurs during an experimental or quasi experimental study that affects the dependent variable.
    Intervening Variable
  13. The process of enhancing the study's internal validity by ensuring that the intervention is delivered systematically to all subjects.
    Intervention Fidelity
  14. Developmental, biological, or psychological processess that operate within an individual as a function of time and are external to the events of the investigation.
  15. Administration of a pretest in a study that affects the generalizability of the findings to other populations
    Measurement Effects
  16. The loss of subjects from time 1 data collection to time 2 data collection
  17. A small simple study conducted as a prelude to a larger scale studythat is often called the parent study
    Pilot Study
  18. A sampling selection procedure in which each person or element of the population has an equal and independent chance of being selected to either the experimental group or the control group
  19. The distortion created when those who are being observed change their behavior because they know they are being observed
  20. The generalizability of the results to other populations
  21. The internal validity threat that arises when pretreatment differences between the experimental group and the control group are present
    Selection Bias
  22. The effects of taking a pretest on the scores of a post test
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Chapter 8 - Introduction to Quantitative Research