Chapter 12 - Sampling

  1. A population that meets the population criteria and is available
    accessible population
  2. A nonprobability sampling strategy that uses the most readily accessible persons or objects as subjects in a study
    convenience sampling
  3. A point when data collection can cease. It occurs when the information being shared with the researcher becomes repetitive. Ideas conveyed by the participant have been shared before by other participants; inclusion of additional participants does not result in new ideas
    data saturation
  4. Those characteristics that restrict the population to a homogeneous group of subjects
  5. The most basic unit about which information is collected.
  6. Those characteristics that restrict the population to a homogeneous group of subjects
    eligibility criteria
  7. that restrict the population to a homogeneous group of subjects
    exclusion criteria
  8. A special sampling strategy used to construct an equivalent comparison sample group by filling it with subjects who are similar to each subject in anothersample group in relation to preestablished variables, such as age and gender.
  9. Involves a successive random sampling of units (clusters) that programs from large to small and meets sample eligibility criteria.
    multistage sampling
  10. A strategy used for locating samples that are difficult to locate. It uses social networks and the fact that friends tend to have characteristics in common;subjects who meet the eligibility criteria are asked for assistance in getting in touch with others who meet the same criteria
    network sampling (snowball effect sample)
  11. A procedure in which elements are chosen by nonrandom methods
    nonprobability sampling
  12. A small, simple study conducted as a prelude to a larger-scale study that is often called the "parent study."
    Pilot Study
  13. A well-defined set that has certain specified properties.
  14. A procedure that uses some form of random selection when the sample units are chosen.
    probability sampling
  15. A nonprobability sampling strategy in which the researcher selects subjects who are considered to be typical of the populatio
    purposive sampling
  16. A nonprobability sampling strategy that identifies the strata of the population and proportionately represents the strata in the sample.
    quota sampling
  17. A selection process in which each element of the population has an equal and independent chance of being included in the sample.
    random selection
  18. A sample whose key characteristics closely approximate those of the population.
    representative sample
  19. A subset of sampling units from a population.
  20. A process in which representative units of a population are selected for study in a research investigation
  21. A list of all units of the population.
    sampling frame
  22. The element or set of elements used for selecting the sample.
    sampling unit
  23. A probability sampling strategy in which the population is defined, a sampling frame is listed, and a subset from which the sample will be chosen is selected; members randomly selected
    simple random sampling
  24. A strategy used for locating samples difficult to locate. It uses the social network and the fact that friends tend to have characteristics in common; subjectswho meet the eligibility criteria are asked for assistance in getting in touch with others who meet the same criteria.
    snowball effect sampling (network sampling)
  25. A probability sampling strategy in which the population is divided into strata or subgroups. An appropriate number of elements from each subgroup are randomly selected based on their proportion in the population
    stratified random sampling
  26. A population or group of individuals that meet the sampling criteria.
    target population
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Chapter 12 - Sampling
Nursing Research