ch 3 & 4

  1. what is Newton's first law of motion?
    an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will continue moving at a constant velocity unless acted upon by a net force
  2. change in position in relation to a reference point
  3. speed
    • rate of motion
    • distance traveled per unit of time
  4. calculation of speed
    speed = distance/time
  5. Sound travels 330 m/s. If a lightning bolt strikes the ground 1 m away from you, how long will it take for you to hear it?
    330 s
  6. Your friend skates at a speed of 4 m/s. You can skate 100 m in 20 s. Who skates faster?
    you do
  7. speed at a given instant
    instantaneous speed
  8. average speed equals?
    total distance/total time
  9. speed that doesn't change over time
    constant speed
  10. speed that is not constant
    changing speed
  11. speed in a given direction
  12. can velocity change even when the speed is constant?
  13. distance and direction of an object's change of position from a starting point
  14. a runner runs a distance of 50 m in one direction and then 30 m in the opposite

    displacement = ?
    20 m
  15. acceleration
    • the rate of change of velocity
    • change in speed or direction
  16. positive acceleration
    speeding up
  17. negative acceleration
    slowing down
  18. A roller coaster starts down a hill at 10 m/s. Three seconds later, its speed is 32 m/s. What is the roller coaster's acceleration?
    7.3 m/s2
  19. how long will it take a car traveling 30 m/s to come to a stop if its acceleration is -3 m/s2?
    10 s
  20. slope = ?
  21. straight line on a graph?
    constant speed
  22. flat line on a graph?
    no motion
  23. steeper slope on a graph?
    faster speed
  24. how is acceleration indicated on a distance-time graph?
    by a curve
  25. changing slope = ?
    changing velocity
  26. acceleration occurs when an object's ___ changes
  27. when an object speeds up, it has ___ acceleration
  28. when an object's final velocity is less than its initial velocity, it has ___ velocity
  29. formula for acceleration?
    A = Vf - Vi /T
  30. ___ is always on the X-axis
  31. the further to the right, the ___
    longer time
  32. ___ is always on the Y-axis
  33. the higher up the graph, the ___
    further we are
  34. what does a horizontal line on a distance-time graph indicate?
    something isn't moving
  35. what does a straight line with a positive slope indicate?
    steady speed
  36. when the motion of 2 objects is plotted on the same graph, how can you tell which one has the greater speed?
    steeper incline
  37. how do you tell if the speed of an object is constant?
    constant gradient
  38. what does the horizontal line on a speed-time graph indicate?
    constant speed
  39. what is the Y-axis on a speed-time graph?
  40. what does a straight line with a positive slope indicate?
  41. what does a straight line with a negative slope indicate?
  42. when the speed of 2 objects is plotted on the same graph, how can you tell which one has the greater acceleration?
    steeper gradient
  43. how can a speed-time graph be used to find the distance of an object?
    speed x time
  44. how can a speed-time graph be used to find the acceleration of an object?
  45. what is deceleration?
    slowing down
Card Set
ch 3 & 4