Ch.1 and 2 Chem.

  1. the scientific study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter and the changes that matter undergoes.
  2. Branches of chemistry
    Organic chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Theoretical chemistry
  3. any substance that has a definite composition.
    a chemical
  4. Research can be categorized as
    basic, applied, or related to technological development.
  5. anything that has mass and takes up space.
  6. the smallest unit of an element that maintains the properties of that element.
  7. a pure substance made of only one kind of atom.
  8. a substance that is made of atoms of two or more different elements joined by chemical bonds.
  9. property depends on the amount of matter that is present.
    extensive properties
  10. property does not depend on the amount of matter present.
    intensive properties
  11. has definite volume and definite shape.
  12. has a definite volume but not a definite shape.
  13. does not have a definite volume or shape.
  14. the state of matter that does not have a definite shape or volume and whose particles have broken apart.
  15. conduct electric current, affected by electric and magnetic fields
  16. In the gaseous state at high temperatures, alkali metals become ______.
  17. Scientists estimate that more than __ percent of the known matter in the universe, including the sun and other stars, is made of plasma.
  18. a characteristic of a substance that does not involve a chemical change, such as density, color, or hardness
    Physical property
  19. is a property of matter that describes a substance's ability to participate in chemical reactions.
    chemical property
  20. a change of matter from one form to another without a change in chemical properties.
    physical change
  21. a change that occurs when one or more substances change into entirely new substances with different properties
    chemical change
  22. The study of most carbon-containing compounds
    organic chemistry
  23. the study of non-organic substances, many of which have organic fragments bonded to metals (organometallics)
    inorganic chemistry
  24. The study of the properties and changes of matter and their relation to energy
    Physical Chemistry
  25. The identification of the components and composition of materials
    analytical chemistry
  26. The study of substances and processes occurring in living things
  27. The use of mathematics and computers to understand the principles behind observed chemical behavior and to design and predict the properties of new compounds
    Theoretical Chemistry
  28. Research that is carried out for the sake of increasing knowledge
    Basic Research
  29. Research that is generally carried out to solve a problem
    Applied Research
  30. This typically involves the production and use of products that improve our quality of life.
    Technological Development
  31. A measure of the amount of matter
  32. A change in a substance that does not involve a change in the identity of the substance
    physical change
  33. A characteristic that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the substance
    Physical Property
  34. A physical change of a substance from one state to another
    change of state
  35. A high temperature physical state of matter in which atoms lose most of their electrons, particles that make up atoms
  36. Relates to a substance's ability to undergo changes that transform it into different substances
    Chemical Property
  37. A change in which one or more substances are converted into different substances
    Chemical change/ reaction
  38. Substances that react in a chemical change
  39. Substances that are formed by the chemical change
  40. A blend of two or more kinds of matter, each of which retains its own identity and properties
  41. A mixture with a uniformed composition
    homogeneous mixture; solution
  42. A mixture without a uniformed composition
    heterogeneous mixture
  43. List the characteristics of a pure substance
    • -Has a fixed composition
    • -Every sample given has exactly the same characteristic properties 
    • -Every sample of a given has exactly the same composition
    • -It is homogeneous
  44. Elements are organized into groups based on similar chemical properties in a _____ _____.
    Periodic Table
  45. The vertical columns in a periodic table
    groups; families
  46. The horizontal rows in a periodic table
  47. What do elements in the same group, families, have in common?
    Chemical Properties
  48. What do elements in the same periods have in common?
    Elements that are close together share similar chemical and physical properties
  49. A logical approach to solving problems that lend themselves to investigation
    Scientific Method
  50. A testable statement that serves as the basis for predictions and further experiments 
  51. A broad generalization that explains a body of known facts or phenomena
  52. A specific portion of matter in a given region of space that has been selected for study during an experiment or observation
  53. An explanation of how phenomena occur and how data or events are related or a physical object
  54. The result of nearly every measurement is a ____ and a _____.
    number and a unit
  55. The ____ ____ of measurement is used in science.
    SI system
  56. Name the four base units in SI system of measurements
    • meter (length)
    • Kilogram (mass)
    • Second (time)
    • Kelvin (temperature)
  57. A measure of gravitational pull on matter
  58. The ratio of mass to volume
  59. Used to convert from one unit to another
  60. Something that has magnitude, size, or amount
  61. The amount of space occupied by an object
  62. A mathematical technique that allows you to use units to solve problems involving measurements
    dimensional analysis
  63. Refers to the closeness of a measurement to the correct or accepted value
  64. Refers to the closeness of values for a set of measurements
  65. the difference between the experimental and the accepted value that is divided by the accepted value and then multiplied by 100
    percentage error
  66. Completely certain and do not limit the number of digits in a calculation
    exact conversion factor
  67. two quantities that if divided on by the other it will yield a constant value
    directly proportional
  68. two quantities that if multiplied their product will have a constant value
    inversely proportional
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Ch.1 and 2 Chem.
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