Life Elementary Unit 7- Class 204

  1. Migration(n)
    Göç(We’re watching animal migrations)
  2. Land(v)
    Karaya çıkmak(They landed in Cape Town)
  3. (We arrived to in land)
  4. Doğurmak(The animals usually breed)
  5. Rekabet(The animals usually have competitions.
    (I will enter competition next year.)
  6. Spacecraft(n)
    Uzay Gemisi(Spacecraft took off from Florida)
  7. Orbit(n)
    Yörünge(Jupiter takes 12 years to complete one orbit around the Sun) (put into orbit)
  8. Surface(n)
    • Yüzey (There is a lot of ice on the surface)
    • (on the surface)
  9. Posts(n)
    İleti(He writes posts from different countries)
  10. Comment(n)
    Yorum(I wrote comment on his articles)
  11. Upload(v)
    Yüklemek (He uploads videos of amazing places)
  12. Nomad(n)
    Göçebe(He’s called “The Digital Nomad” )
  13. Lay eggs(v)
    Yumurtlamak(It lays eggs every summer)
  14. Border(n)
    • Sınır (In areas close to the border with the Northem)
    • (border on )
  15. Desert(n)
    Çöl( I looked at the desert sand)
  16. Prize(n)
    Ödül(It’s the captain’s prize competition)
  17. Agree(v)
    Aynı fikirde olmak(I agree with you)
Card Set
Life Elementary Unit 7- Class 204
Life Elementary Unit 7- Class 204