Lit Vocab (Q-W)

  1. Quatrain
    A stanza with 4 lines.
  2. Refrain
    Regularly recurring phrase or verse, especially at the end of each stanza or division of a poem or song.
  3. Resolution
    The part of the story's plot line in which the problem of the story is resolved or worked out; occurs after the falling action and is typically where the story ends.
  4. Rhetoric
    A technique of using language effectively and persuasively in spoken or written form.
  5. Rhetorical Question
    A question asked without needing or intending for it to be answered.
  6. Rhyme
    A matching similarity of sounds in two or more words.
  7. Rhyme Scheme
    The pattern of rhyme in a poem/verse.
  8. Rhythm
    The varying speed, loudness, pitch, elevation, intensity, and expressiveness of speech.
  9. Romanticism
    The theory, practice, and style of the romantic art, music, and literature of the late 18th and early 19th centuries,usually opposed to classicism.
  10. Satire
    The use of different elements such as irony, sarcasm, humor, and ridicule to criticize or mock the foolish behavior of others; often used to bring attention to a particular subject and promote change.
  11. Sestet
    The last six lines of a sonnet.
  12. Shakespearean (English) Sonnet
    Rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef; has fourteen lines; first twelve lines are divided into three quatrains. In the first three quatrains, the poet establishes a theme or problem and then resolves it. Final two are a couplet.
  13. Simile
    Two unlike things are compared using like or as.
  14. Soliloquy
    A monologue spoken by an actor at a point in the play when the character believes himself to be alone.
  15. Sonnet
    Poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes.
  16. Speaker
    The person talking.
  17. Spenserian Stanza
    A nine-line stanza, rhyming in an ababbcbcc pattern, in which the first eight lines are pentameter and the last line is an alexandrine.
  18. Stanza
    An arrangement of lines of verse in a pattern usually repeated throughout the poem.
  19. Stock/Stereotyped
    A character who relies heavily on cultural types or names for his or her personality, manner of speech, and other characteristics; in most general form, they're narrowly defined, often by one exaggerated trait.
  20. Style
    The author's words and the characteristic way that writer uses language to achieve certain effects.
  21. Symbol
    The use of an object, person, situation, or word to represent something else.
  22. Synecdoche
    Uses a part of something to represent the whole.
  23. Syntax
    The orderly arrangement of words into sentences to express ideas.
  24. Tercet
    A stanza with 3 lines.
  25. Terza Rima
    A three-line stanza form with interlocking rhymes that move from one stanza to the next. (ABA, BCB, CDC, DED...)
  26. Tetrameter
    A line consisting of four metrical feet.
  27. Theme
    A central idea or statement that unifies and controls an entire literary work.
  28. Tone
    The attitude or mood in a literary work.
  29. Tragedy
    A character passes through a series of misfortunes leading to a final, devastating catastrophe.
  30. Trimeter
    A line consisting of three metrical feet.
  31. Trochaic
    A kind of metrical foot; adjective of "trochee."
  32. Trochee
    A two-syllable unit or foot of poetry consisting of a heavy stress followed by a light stress.
  33. Understatement
    The practice of drawing attention to a fact that is already obvious and noticeable; usually done by using sarcasm, irony, wryness or any other form of dry humor.
  34. Villanelle
    A versital genre of poetry consisting of nineteen lines--five tercets and a concluding quatrain.
  35. Voice
    The manner in which the story is told in.
  36. Volta
    A sudden change in thought, direction, or emotion near the conclusion of a sonnet; also called a turn.
  37. Wit
    Intellectually amusing language that surprises and delights
  38. Word Play
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Lit Vocab (Q-W)
Lit Vocab (Q-W)