COM 100 Test 3 - Vocab

  1. The set of interactions that members of purposeful groups use to accomplish their individual and common goals.
  2. The goals and effects of communication.
  3. The goals and effects of communication.
  4. The goals and effects of communication.
  5. A function of organizational communication in which activity is coordinated toward accomplishing tasks.
  6. A function of organizational communication in which stability of existing systems is preserved.
  7. The function of organizational communication by means of which systems are changed.
  8. Recurring patterns of interaction among organizational members.
  9. In a traditional conduit model of communication, communication with subordinates.
    Downward communication
  10. In a traditional conduit model of communication, communication with superiors.
    Upward communication
  11. In a traditional conduit model of communication, communication with peers.
    Horizontal communication
  12. A power structure in which some members exercise authority over others.
  13. Officially designated channels of communication, reflecting explicit or desired patterns of interaction.
    Formal structure
  14. Unspoken but understood channels of communication, reflecting patterns that develop spontaneously.
    Informal Structure
  15. A pattern of shared beliefs, values, and behaviors.
    Organizational culture
  16. The communicative, behavioral, and cognitive processes that influences individuals to join, identify with, become integrated into, and (occasionally) exit and organization.
  17. Organizational identification
    The stage of assimilation that occurs when an employee’s values overlap with the organization’s values.
  18. Employees’ feelings of self-efficacy.
  19. Behavior and communication designed to increase liking.
  20. Assertiveness
    expressing one’s opinions forcefully without offending others.
  21. The ability to communicate through reasoning, bargaining, coalition building, and assertiveness.
  22. A chronic condition that results from the accumulation of daily stress, which manifests itself in a very specific set of characteristics including exhaustion, cynicism and effectiveness.
  23. theory that organizations are a system composed of many subsystems, and embedded in larger systems and that organizations should develop communication strategies that serve both.
    General systems theory
  24. Globalization
    The increasing connectedness of the world in economic, political, and cultural realms.
  25. New social contract
    Assumes that loyalty that is not expected by workers or organizations, and that job security is unlikely.
  26. Individuals who work in temporary positions, part time, or as sub contractors.
    Contingent employees
  27. Companies that try to shorten the time it takes to develop new products, and respond to customer demands.
    Urgent organizations
  28. Repeated hostile behaviors that are, or are perceived to be, intended to harm parties who are unable to defend themselves.
  29. Requests for sexual favors as a condition of getting or keeping a job or benefit.  One of two types of sexual harassment recognized by federal law.
    Quid pro quo
  30. An intimidating hostile or offensive workplace atmosphere created by unwelcome and inappropriate sexually based behavior.  One of two types of sexual harassment recognized by federal law.
    Hostile work environment
  31. Assessing the available information and options in order to increase one’s understanding of the conflict and the other party for engaging in conflict communication.
    Strategy control
  32. Communication is the process that calls organizations into being.
  33. communication that is used to influence the attitudes or behaviors of others; the art of persuasion.
  34. an informed consumer of rhetorical discourse who is prepared to analyze rhetorical texts.
    rhetorical critic
  35. the first group to teach persuasive speaking skills in the Greek city-states
  36. a public speaker
  37. artistic skills of a rhetor that influence effectiveness.
    artistic proofs
  38. the rhetorical construction of character.
  39. the identity one creates through one’s public communication efforts.
  40. the rhetorical use of emotions to affect audience decision making.
  41. rational appeals; the use of rhetoric to help the audience see the rationale for a particular conclusion.
  42. place in the social hierarchy, which comes from the way society is structured.
    social position
  43. those people who can take the appropriate action in response to a message.
    rhetorical audience
  44. any event that generates a significant amount of public discourse.
    rhetorical event
  45. the type of rhetoric used to argue what a society should do in the future.
    deliberative rhetoric
  46. the arena in which deliberative decision making occurs through the exchange of ideas and arguments.
    public sphere
  47. rhetoric that addresses events that happened in the past with the goal of setting things right after an injustice has occurred.
    forensic rhetoric
  48. a large, organized body of people who are attempting to create social change.
    social movement
  49. evocative speeches intended to entertain, inspire, celebrate, commemorate or build community.
    social-occasion speeches
  50. whichever of three goals to inform persuade or entertain, dominates a speech.
    general purpose
  51. the process of determining of what an audience already knows or wants to know about a topic; who they are what they know or need to know about a speaker,  and what their expectations might be for the presentation.
    audience analysis
  52. a portion of an audience analysis that considers the ages, races, sexes, sexual orientations, religions and social class of the audience.
    demographic analysis
  53. what a speaker wants to inform or persuade an audience about, or the type of feelings the speaker wants to evoke.
    specific purpose
  54. a statement of the topic of a speech, and the speaker’s position on it.
    thesis statement
  55. information that supports the speaker’s ideas.
    supporting materials
  56. audiovisual materials that help a speaker to reach intended speech goals.
    visual aids
  57. one that follows a timeline.
    chronological pattern
  58. one that arranges points by location and can be used to describe something small.
    spatial pattern
  59. one that has no innate organization, except that imposed by the speaker.
    topical pattern
  60. one in which the speaker describes various aspects to a problem, and then proposes solutions.
    problem solution pattern
  61. one used to create understanding and agreement, and sometimes to argue for a specific action.
    cause-effect pattern
  62. opening material of a speech from which the audience members gain a first impression of the speech’s content and of the speaker.
  63. transitions in a speech that help an audience understand the speaker’s organization, making it easier for them to follow.
  64. closing material of a speech, where the speaker reviews the main points, may challenge the audience to act, and leaves the audience with a positive view of speaker and topic.
  65. the presentation of a speech before an audience.
  66. looking directly into the eyes of another.
    eye contact
  67. the plural form of medium, a channel of communication.
  68. mediated communication intended for large audiences.
    mass media
  69. large organizations in the business of mass communication that produce, distribute or show various media texts (cultural products) as an industry.
    cultural industries
  70. popular books addressed to a large audience and widely distributed.
    mass-market paperbacks
  71. electronic books read on a computer screen instead of printed page.
  72. seekers of various media messages and resisters of others.
    active agents
  73. the influence that the media have on peoples’ everyday lives.
    mass-media effects
  74. a television show, advertisement, movie or other media event.
    media text
  75. the idea that people seek media messages and or interpret media texts in ways that confirm their believes and conversely resist or avoid messages that challenge their beliefs.
    selective exposure
  76. the idea that people use media messages and find various types of gratifications in some media texts rather than in others.
    uses and gratifications
  77. approach to understanding media that focuses on a specific aspect of content of a text or group of texts.
    content analysis
  78. the power of media coverage to influence individuals’ view of the world.
    agenda-setting capacity
  79. idea that long-term immersion in a media environment leads to “cultivation”, or enculturation, into shared beliefs about the world.
    cultivation theory
  80. the process by which we consent to social constructions rather than having them imposed on us.
  81. occasions or catastrophes that interpret regular programming.
    media event
  82. representations of violent acts in media.
    media violence
  83. device that identifies television program ratings by content and can block programming designated by the owner.
  84. the ways in which media institutions produce texts in a capitalist system, and the legal and regulatory frameworks that shape their options for doing so.
    political economy
  85. the practice of organizing to communicate displeasure with certain media images and messages as well as to force change in media texts.
    media activism
  86. self-imposed rules for Hollywood media content instituted in 1930, with the goal of creating “wholesome” entertainment.
    Hays code
  87. Motion Picture Association of America
  88. a self-regulating system of the television industry that rates programs in terms of appropriateness and for particular age groups.
    TV parental guidelines
  89. a collection of mediated communication technologies that are digital and converging and tend to be interactive.
    new media
  90. short for weblogs; online diaries or news commentaries.
  91. audio file stored digitally.
  92. information that is transmitted in a numerical format based on the only two values (0 and 1).
  93. the exchange of messages carried through intervening system with digital electronic storage and transmitted between two or more people.
    computer-mediated communication (CMC)
  94. the online world often used synonymously with the internet.
  95. a system of networks that connects millions of computers around the world.
  96. a system of interlinked hypertext documents contained on the internet.
    world wide web (www)
  97. web-based service where people construct their profiles, identify others with whom they share a connection and interact with others within the system.
    social networking sites (SNSs)
  98. text based “virtual reality” games in which participants interact with enrichments objects and other participants.
    massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs)
  99. the theoretical perspective that sees mediated communication as less useful than face-to-face Ftf communication.
    media deficit approach
  100. a theoretical perspective that sees views mediated communication as complimenting or augmenting face to face communication.
    media augmentation approach
  101. removing nonverbal cues.
  102. degree of psychological closeness or immediacy engendered by various media.
    social presence
  103. suggests that face to face communication is generally high in this kind of social presence and that media vary in the amount of social presence they convey.
    social presence theory
  104. theory that describes the potential information-carrying capacity of a communication medium.
    media richness theory
  105. pictographs used to convey relational information in computer mediated communication such as the smiley face :-)
  106. communication in which messages are sent and received at the same time.
  107. communication in which messages are sent and received at different times.
  108. theory that proves that the patterns of connections among people affect their social behavior and communication.
    social network theory
  109. misrepresenting oneself online.
  110. unwanted commercial messages and advertisements sent through email.
  111. the practice of trying fraudulently to get consumer banking and credit card information.
  112. the deliberate and repeated misused of communication technology by an individual or group to threaten or harm others.
  113. projecting a false identity
  114. digital alter-egos or versions of oneself used by MMOgs.
  115. potential partners and friends typically much larger via CMC than via FtF relationships.
    field of availables
  116. equality of access between technology “haves” and “have nots”.
    digital divide
  117. cultural knowledge and cultural competencies that people need to function effectively in society.
    cultural capital
  118. access to technological skills and resources.
  119. theory that suggests that in order for people to accept new technology like the computer they have to see it as useful and compatible with their values and lifestyle.
    diffusion of innovations
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COM 100 Test 3 - Vocab
COM 100 Test 3 - Vocab