Day 1

  1. Leads that view the inferior wall of the heart
    II, III, aVF
  2. V1 & V2 View
    • Interventricular Septum
    • (involve the left coronary artery)
  3. ST-depression in leads: V1, V2, V3, V4 =
    Posterior MI
  4. T-wave represents
    Repolarization of ventricles
  5. P-wave represents
    Atria depolarization
  6. Peaked T-waves =
  7. Which side will the trachea deviate with a tension pneumothorax
    Away from the injury site
  8. Bleeding or other fluid drainage from the nose following head trauma is indicative of what kind of fracture
    Cribriform plate
  9. Internal hemorrhage cannot be controlled in the prehospital setting—period!
  10. Signs of a massive hemothorax include
    • Collapsed jugular veins
    • Unilaterally diminished or absent breath sounds
  11. Injury above what vertebrae will cause a patient to stop breathing
  12. Signs of brainstem injury
    • Posturing
    • Decorticate (flexor)
    • Decerebrate (extensor)
  13. Signs of spinal cord injury
    • Priapism
    • Parethesia
    • Paralysis
  14. Drug dosage formula
    • desired dose x volume on hand / 
    • concentration
  15. Dopamine 
    2 - 10 mcg/kg/min 
    receptors stimulated
    • Beta 1: increased cardiac output
    • Alpha: Vasoconstriction
  16. Dopamine 
    10+ mcg/kg/min 
    receptors stimulated
  17. NAVEL
    • Narcan
    • Atropine
    • Vasopressin
    • Epinephrine
    • Lidocaine
  18. Full thickness burns
    • Painless
    • Charred, white, leathery skin
  19. Ensure an open and patent airway before assessing rate and quality of breathing
  20. Which ET blade is best for intubation on infants
    • Miller
    • (because epiglottis is under developed)
  21. A pregnant patient's airway is more 
    anterior or posterior?
    • Anterior
    • (making it more difficult to intubate)
  22. Deep partial-thickness burns
    • Edema
    • Blister formation
    • Decreased sensation around burn
  23. Type of shock:
    Impaired sympathetic nervous system tone which results in vasodilation

    Perfusion becomes inadequate & hypotension occurs
    Neurogenic shock
  24. Symptomatic 3rd degree heart blocks always require
  25. Right coronary artery supplies
    The inferior wall
Card Set
Day 1
CBT Review