Biochem final exam questions

  1. The _______ shuttle results in the transfer of electrons from NADH in the cytoplasm to FADH2 in the inner mitochondrial membrane where the electrons are subsequently used to reduce ____.
    glycerophosphate shuttle/CoQ
  2. In the presence of an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, which of the following would happen in isolated mitochondria (ask about it?)
    • a) ATP synthesis would be inhibited
    • b) electron transport and PMF is normal
  3. The accepting of electron by which of the following directly contribute to the recycle of NAD+?
  4. Binding of protons to aspartate residues in the “c” subunits of F0 accomplishes what?
    causes the “c” and "y" subunits of F0 to turn which induces the conformational changes in the three active sites of F1
  5. The Stoeckenius’ experiment
    prove the ETC and ATP synthase are separate systems
  6. Isotopic exchange experiment shows that formation of ATP will not occur at the active site without the presence of proton gradient
  7. The binding-change mechanism of Paul Boyer describes
    there are three forms of β, γ drives the interconversion of these three forms
  8. The following schematic graph shows
    Oxaloacetate and NADH is not permeable for the inner mitochondrial membrane
  9. It takes how many protons to make one ATP
  10. How many protons needs to be pumped out in order to reduce one O2 molecule
  11. How many ATP and NADH are produced in glycolysis?
    2 ATP and 2 NADH
  12. How many NADH are produced by Pyruvate processing (pyruvate dehydrogenase)
    2 NADH
  13. How many ATP/NADH/ FADH2 are procued in the TCA cycle
    2 ATP, 6 NADH, 2 FADH2
  14. How many protons are there for oxidative phosphorylation in one round?
  15. Where do the protons in ox phos come from (numbers)
    • 10 protons per NADH (so the 10 NADH=100)
    • 6 protons per FADH (so the 2 FADH2=12)
  16. ATP synthase makes how many ATP?
    28 ATP (112 protons/4)
  17. Why don't you actually make 32 ATP when you oxidize one molecule of glucose?
    The glycerol phosphate shuttle and the ATP-ADP antiporter take energy.
  18. The following reaction describe the process ofCO2 + ATP + NADPH + H+ (CH2O) + ADP + NADPH + Pi
    Dark reactions
  19. As compared to NADH, H2O is
    a poor electron donor
  20. In Eukaryote such as tropic plant, electron extracted from H2O will finally go to in PSI
  21. Which of the following statements about the Photosystem is incorrect?
    Contain a bed of chlorophylls that all have the same functions
  22. Which of the following enzyme catalyze the fixation of CO2 to Ribulose
    RuBP Carboxylase
  23. Which of the following statement about the Pentose Phosphate Pathway is/are correct
    • -Generates 5 carbon sugars important for DNA and RNA biosynthesis
    • -partially as the mirror image of the Calvin cycle
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Biochem final exam questions
Biochem final exam questions