Cardiac NCLEX

  1. Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
    • approximation of average pressure throughout cardiac cycle
    • determines if there's adequate perfusion

    60-70 mmHg
  2. Calculate MAP
    • Systolic BP + Diastolic BP(2)
    •                  3
  3. Pulse Pressure
    meaning and calculate
    the force that the heart generates each time it contracts

    • Difference between systolic and diastolic
    • SBP-DBP = PP
  4. Cholesterol range (overall, LDL, HDL)
    • <200
    • LDL <130
    • HDL 30-70
  5. Homocysteine levels
    • elevated levels indicate cardiovascular disease
    • <14
  6. hypokalemia and digoxin
    increases risk of digoxin toxicity
  7. ECG changes with hypokalemia
    flattened/inverted T wave

    U wave

    ST depression
  8. hyperkalemia ECG changes
    Tall T waves

    Wide QRS complex

    Prolonged PR

    Flat P waves
  9. hypocalcemia ECG changes
    • prolonged ST and QT intervals
    • cardiac arrest
  10. hypercalcemia ECG changes
    • shortened ST segment
    • widened T wave
    • tachycardia or bradycardia
    • cardiac arrest
  11. hypomagnesemia ECG changes
    Tall T wave

    depressed ST segment
  12. hypermagnesemia ECG changes
    prolonged PR interval

    widened QRS complex
  13. BNP levels should be under _____.  What do higher levels indicate?
    • 100
    • higher the level, more severe the heart failure
  14. why is metformin withheld before administration of iodine dye?  How long is it withheld?
    risk of lactic acidosis

    24 hours before procedure, about 48 hours after
Card Set
Cardiac NCLEX
Cardiac conditions for NCLEX