AP Psych: Perception

  1. The analysis that begins with the sense of receptors and works its way up to the brain's integration portions
    Raw interpretation
    Bottom-up processing
  2. When we construct images and feelings based on mental conceptions and experiences
    When we are told to perceive something
    Top-down processing
  3. The minimum stimulation necessary to detect one particular stimulus 50% of the time
    Absolute Threshold
  4. Theory predicting how and when we detect the presence that is almost unnoticeable
    Signal Detection Theory
  5. Below threshold
    Subliminal Stimulation
  6. The minimum amount necessary between two stimuli required for detection 50% of the time
    Difference Threshold
  7. The principle that, to be perceived as different, two stimuli must differ by a constant percentage
    Weber's Law
  8. Diminished sensitivity as a consequence of a constant stimulation
    Sensory Adaptation
  9. One sense may influence another
    Sensory Interaction
  10. Mental predisposition to see something else before choosing to see another
    Perceptual Set
  11. Perceiving objects that are not really there
    Form Perception
  12. Object that we are trying to perceive
  13. Everything else in our field of vision
  14. Tending to group objects together in a organized fashion
  15. 4 types of Grouping
    • Proximity
    • Similarity
    • Continuity
    • Connectedness
  16. Grouping items that are nearby to each other together
  17. Figures of similar shapes we group together
  18. We perceive smooth continuous patterns instead of discontinuous ones
  19. When linked together we perceive objects and stimuli as one individual unit
  20. Ability to sense depth in an object
    Depth Perception
  21. Experiment by Gidson and Walk is an example of
    Dpeth Perception
  22. Objects that look farther away than other objects are considered to be more distant
    Relative Size
  23. 3 Types of Binocular CUes
    • Retinal Disparity
    • Convergence
  24. 4 types of Monocular Cues
    • Linear perspective
    • Texture gradient
    • Interposition
    • Relative Size
  25. Keeping your vision on one specific point and watching it pass you by while moving; as the object appear to get closer it is moving faster and as an object moves farther away it moves slower
    Relative Motion (Motion Parallax)
  26. When two objects move together by help of two eyes to help create a 3D image
  27. Perceiving images as unchanging so that all aspects of the picture remain the same
    Perceptual COnstancies
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AP Psych: Perception