
  1. What does mew stand for?
    mutation rate
  2. What does s stand for?
    selection coefficient
  3. What does q stand for?
    Equilibrium frequency of a deleterious allele
  4. What does Hg stand for?
    Observed heterozygosity in current generation
  5. What does Hg+1 stand for?
    Expected heterozygosity in next generation
  6. Which factors create a change in allele frequency?
    Selection, migration, mutation, and genetic drift.
  7. Hardy-weinberg assumptions
    • No selection
    • No mutation
    • No migration
    • No genetic drift
    • Random mating
  8. What does Ne stand for?
    Effective population size
  9. Overdominance
    Heterozygotes have higher fitness than both classes of homozygote
  10. Underdominance
    Both classes of homozygote have higher fitness than the heterozygote class.
  11. Give an example of frequency dependent selection
    The flower pollination example (see page 213 in text book)
  12. Reaction norm
    the range of phenotypes an individual (or genotype) can express under different environmental conditions.
  13. Indels
    single base pair insertions or deletions due to uncorrected mistakes during the process of DNA replication
  14. Nonsense mutation
    changes an amino acid to a stop codon
  15. Nonsynonyous/replacement mutation
    changes amino acid to another amino acid
  16. Synonymous/silent
    no change in amino acid
  17. Frameshift mutation
    a mutation caused by indels that aren't multiples of 3
  18. Mutation accumulation lines
    clones propagated for many generations to measure mutation rate
  19. Darwin's Four Postulates
    • variability within population
    • heritability
    • variable survival 
    • nonrandom survival
  20. Modern synthesis
Card Set
Evolution course