Lit Vocab 2 (A-F)

  1. Active Voice
    Indicates the relation of the action of the verb to the subject of the clause/sentence.
  2. Allegory
    A symbolic representation.
  3. Alliteration
    The repetition of consonants at the beginning of words.
  4. Allusion
    • An indirect reference.
    • OR
    • A reference to a person, place, or literary work that the writer expects the read to recognize and respond to.
  5. Analogy
    Comparing two situations (people or object) with a resemblance.
  6. Antagonist
    A character that opposes the protagonist.
  7. Anti-Climax
    A break in the final climax for a humorous effect.
  8. Anti-Thesis
    A device by which two contrasting ideas are juxtaposed.
  9. Apostrophe
    Something non-human is addressed directly.
  10. Argumentative Essay
    A writing that requires the student to investigate a topic, generate and evaluate evidence, and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner
  11. Anecdotal Evidence
    Usually relate to how certain types of evidence cannot be used to logically conclude something.
  12. Archaic Language
    Language belonging to an earlier time and generally no longer in use.
  13. Aside
    An actor's speech directed to the audience.
  14. Assonance
    The repetition of similar vowel sounds.
  15. Atmosphere
    The mood or feeling of the story.
  16. Audience
    A group of people listening/watching.
  17. Autobiography
    The description of a life written by the person who has lived it.
  18. Ballad
    A narrative folk song.
  19. Ballad Stanza
    A four-line stanza consisting of unrhymed first+third lines.
  20. Bias
    The author manipulates evidence in a argument.
  21. Biography
    A life written by another person.
  22. Blank Verse
    Unrhymed iambic pentameter.
  23. Cacophony
    Words/phrases with strong+harsh sounds.
  24. Caricature
    A character's features that are over exaggerated.
  25. Case Study
    A detailed analysis of an individual or group.
  26. Catastrophe
    The final disaster of a tragedy; a tragic denouement of a play/story.
  27. Cause and Effect
    Explaining why that happened.
  28. Character
    A person who is responsible for the thoughts+actions.
  29. Characterization
    The writer reveals the personality of a character.
  30. Character Foil
    A character that contrasts another character.
  31. Chorus
    A group of actors who all speak the same word(s) at the same time.
  32. Chronological Order
    Arranging events in the order in which the events occurred.
  33. Cliche
    An overused expression.
  34. Climactic Order
    Ideas arranged in the order of the least to most important.
  35. Climax
    The most intense/exciting point of something.
  36. Colloquialism
    An informal expression characteristic of speech.
  37. Colloquial Language
    The language, words and phrases used in casual situations, as opposed to formal language.
  38. Comedy
    Happy ending.
  39. Comic Relief
    A humorous scene after some serious or tragic moments.
  40. Compare and Contrast
    Similarities and differences of two or more things.
  41. Comparison
    Similarities of two or more things.
  42. Conflict
    The opposition between two people, person and environment, or person and nature.
  43. Connotation
    The meaning a word suggests or implies.
  44. Consonance
    • The repetition of consonants before and after differing vowels.
    • OR
    • The repetition of consonants at the end of words.
  45. Contrast
    The juxtaposition of opposed ideas.
  46. Couplet
    A pair of lines with rhyming ends.
  47. Denotation
    The direct meaning or set of meanings of a word or expression
  48. Denouement
    The final resolution of the characters of a plot, as of a drama or novel
  49. Descriptive Essay
    A genre of essay that asks the student to describe something—object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc.
  50. Dialect
    The language used by the people of a specific area, class, district or any other group of people.
  51. Dialogue
    A literary technique in which writers employ two or more characters to be engaged in conversation with each other.
  52. Diary
    A form of autobiographical writing, a regularly kept record of the diarist’s activities and reflections.
  53. Diction
    • A style of speaking
    • OR
    • Writing determined by the choice of words by a speaker or a writer
  54. Didactic
    Refers to a particular philosophy in art and literature that emphasizes the idea that different forms of art and literature ought to convey information and instructions along with pleasure and entertainment.
  55. Dilemma
    A situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives
  56. Direct Presentation
    In direct presentation, a character is described by the author, the narrator or the other characters of the story.
  57. Dissonance
    A harsh combination of sounds
  58. Drama
    Story involving conflict or contrast of character, especially one intended to be acted on the stage; a play
  59. Dramatic Irony
    The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically humor that's only understood by the audience and not the characters of the play
  60. Dramatic Monologue
    A poem in the form of a speech or narrative by an imagined person, in which the speaker inadvertently reveals aspects of their character while describing a particular situation or series of events.
  61. Dramatic Form
    The way that the story is told, the way the characters play their parts, and/or the way the themes are explored
  62. Dynamic Character
    Someone who undergoes an important, internal change because of the action in the plot
  63. Editorial
    An article in a newspaper or other periodical or on a website presenting the opinion of the publisher, writer, or editor
  64. Elegy
    A poem or song in the form of elegiac couplets, written in honor of someone deceased
  65. Emotional Appeal
    A method of persuasion that's designed to create an emotional response
  66. Epic
    A long poem narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation
  67. Epilogue
    A concluding part added to a literary work.
  68. Epiphany
    That moment in the story where a character achieves realization, awareness or a feeling of knowledge after which events are seen through the prism of this new light in the story
  69. Epigram
    A rhetorical device that is a memorable, brief, interesting and surprising satirical statement
  70. Epitaph
    An inscription of a brief composition, having figurative sense in a verse or in prose form, written to pay tribute to a deceased person, or to remember a past event on a grave.
  71. Euphemism
    Polite, indirect expressions which replace words and phrases considered harsh and impolite or which suggest something unpleasant
  72. Euphony
    The use of words and phrases that are distinguished as having a wide range of noteworthy melody or loveliness in the sounds they create.
  73. Expert Testimony
    An opinion given by a person highly educated in a topic.
  74. Exposition
    A literary device used to introduce background information about events, settings, characters etc. to the audience or readers
  75. Expository Essay
    A simple essay usually factual and written without emotion.
  76. Extended Metaphor
    A metaphor that is extended through a stanza or an entire poem, often by multiple comparisons of unlike objects or ideas.
  77. External Conflict
    A struggle between two opposing characters or forces
  78. Fable
    A short tale with animal characters that teaches a moral lesson
  79. Falling Action
    The action that occurs after the climax of a work of literature
  80. Fantasy
    Literature that contains characters and a plot involving magic and invented characters.
  81. Farce
    A light humorous play.
  82. Figurative Language
    Language that contains many poetic devices; a way of saying something other than the literal meaning of words.
  83. First-Person Point of View
    A POV in which a character directly narrates from their own point of view; uses "I" or "we" to narrate.
  84. Flashback
    The presentation of a scene that takes place before the present in a work of literature.
  85. Flat Character
    A minor character who has little depth of personality.
  86. Foil
    A character that contrasts with and reveals various aspects of the main character's personality.
  87. Foreshadowing
    A hint to upcoming events
  88. Form
    The structure of a piece of writing.
  89. Formal Essay
    An essay that uses academic language, logical organization, and serious purpose.
  90. Formal Language
    The use of "high" language or dialect in preference to "low" language or dialect; academic language
  91. Frame Story
    A secondary story or stories embedded in the main story. (A shorter story within a story)
  92. Free Verse
    A poem that has no limitations in its use of meter or rhyme.
Card Set
Lit Vocab 2 (A-F)
Lit vocab A-F.