adnexa lids orbit lacrimal 2 NBEO.txt

  1. What bones make up the floor of the orbit?
    • Zygomatic
    • Maxillary
    • Palatine
  2. What bones make up the orbital roof?
    • Frontal
    • Lesser wing of sphenoid
  3. What bones make up the lateral wall of the orbit?
    • Greater wing of sphenoid
    • Zygomatic
  4. What bones make up the medial wall of the orbit?
    • Maxillary
    • Lacrimal
    • Ethmoid
    • Sphenoid
  5. What is the normal avg tear volume?
    6-8 uL
  6. What is the typical demographic of ocular rosacea
    Middle-aged women
  7. What triggers the facial flushing in ocular rosacea?
    • Alcohol
    • Spicy foods
    • Caffeine
    • Increased sun exposure
  8. What is the typical demographic in ocular cicatricial pemphigoid?
    Females 60+
  9. Where are internal hordeolums located?
    Meibomian glands
  10. Where are external hordeolums located?
    • Glands Zeiss
    • Glands of Moll
  11. Where is a chalazion derived from?
    Meibomian glands
  12. What muscles are involved in benign essential blepharospasm?
    • Orbicularis oculi
    • Procerus
    • Corrugator
    • Lower face
  13. What is the difference between myokymia and blepharospasm?
    • Myokymia is unilateral
    • Myokymia only involves orbicularis oculi
  14. What main signs differentiate preseptal cellulitis from orbital cellulitis?
    Fever, pain on eye movement and EOM found in orbital cellulitis
  15. What is mucormycosis?
    • Aggressive fungal infection in the immunocompromised
    • Black eschar
  16. What are the signs associated with grave's ophthalmopathy?
    • Kocher's sign = staring
    • Von Graefe's sign = lid lag in down gaze
    • Corneal exposure signs
    • EOM swelling
    • Possible APD
    • Possible reduced VF and color
  17. What contributes the most to ophthalmic findings in Grave's Disease?
    Cigarette smoking
  18. What is carotid-cavernous fistula?
    • High pressure outside the globe from cavernous sinus
    • Pulsatile proptosis
    • CN6 palsy
  19. What is the most common benign orbital tumor in adults?
    Cavernous hemangioma
  20. What is the most common benign orbital tumor of children?
    Capillary hemangioma
  21. What is the most common primary pediatric orbital malignancy?
  22. What is the most common secondary pediatric orbital malignancy?
  23. What is a localized neurofibroma?
    Benign yellow-white tumor of astrocytes
  24. What is a neurilemmoma?
    Benign tumor of schwann cells
  25. What is the triad for meningiomas?
    • Vision loss
    • Optic atrophy
    • Optocilliary shunt vessels
  26. What is the most common intrinsic tumor of ONH?
    ONH glioma
  27. What orbital tumor is associated with neurofibromatosis type 1?
    ONH glioma
  28. What is seborrheic keratosis?
    • Brown benign papilloma
    • "stuck on" appearance
  29. What is the most common eyelid cancer?
    Basal cell carcinoma
  30. What typical signs occur in basal cell carcinoma?
    • Shiny, firm pearly nodule
    • Superficial telangiectasia
    • Rodent ulcer
  31. What is the 2nd most common eyelid cancer?
    Squamous cell carcinoma
  32. What are typical signs of squamous cell carcinoma?
    Erythematous plaques, rough, scaly, ulcerated plaques
  33. What does actinic keratosis turn into?
    Squamous cell carcinoma
  34. What is keratoacanthoma?
    Central plaque/ulcer that grows very quickly, then shrinks and resolve spontaneously
  35. What is the 3rd most common orbital disorder in adults?
    Orbital pseudotumor
  36. If orbital pseudotumor is bilateral what should you suspect?
    • Wegener's granulomatosis
    • Polyarteritis nodosa
    • Lymphoma
  37. What is Tolosa-hunt syndrome?
    Idiopathic orbital inflammation that affects cavernous sinus and superior orbital fissure
  38. What lacrimal system disorder typically is associated with a pouting puncta?
  39. What does actinomyces israelii typically cause?
  40. What is the primary lateral depressor of the eyebrow?
    Orbicularis Oculi
  41. What does the Procerus muscle do?
    • Medial depressor
    • Pulls medial portion of brow inferiorly
    • Gives look of menace or aggression
  42. What facial muscle gives a look of concentration?
  43. What muscle gives a look of surprise?
  44. What muscle moves brow medially?
  45. What facial muscle is the main elevator of eyebrows and forehead?
  46. What disease has s-shaped ptosis?
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adnexa lids orbit lacrimal 2 NBEO.txt
adnexa lids orbit lacrimal 2 NBEO Optometry