Lit Vocab 2 (G-O)

  1. Genre
    A category of literature.
  2. Graphic Text
    A work told in pictures.
  3. Hero
    A person of superhuman powers (demigod, immortality...);

    A brave leader or a person of great physical or moral strength
  4. Historical Reference
    Any reference to an actual event in the past.
  5. Hyperbole
    The use of exaggeration for emphasis or to make a point.
  6. Iambic Pentameter
    A poetic line that consist of five verse feet.
  7. Idiom
    An expression peculiar to a language.
  8. Image
    A picture, either literally or figuratively described.
  9. Imagery
    The images of a literary work.
  10. Indeterminate Ending
    An ending in which no definitive conclusion is reached.
  11. Indirect Presentation
    Authors present their characters indirectly; authors show us the characters in action; we infer what they are like from what they think or say or do.
  12. Informal Essay
    Written as a reflection or a response to something, or is written as a type of informational piece about a personal experience.
  13. Informal Language
    A level of language that is usually less serious in tone and purpose than formal expression.
  14. Interior Monologue
    A fictional presentation of unspoken thoughts are though delivered in monologue.
  15. Internal Conflict
    The conflict arising from within a character's consciousness.
  16. Internal Rhyme
    Rhyme within a line.
  17. Irony
    A contrast between two elements.

    Verbal Irony: Saying one thing and meaning another.

    Situational Irony: The contrast between what happens and what was expected.

    Dramatic Irony: When the audience knows something that the character(s) does not.
  18. Jargon
    Confused or confusing language.
  19. Juxtaposition
    The arrange of two or more ideas side-by-side in comparison/contrast.
  20. Legend
    A folk story concerning historical or reputedly historical figures with less supernatural and more authenticity than myth.
  21. Limited Omniscient Point of View
    A narrator whose knowledge is limited to one character, either major or minor.
  22. Literal Language
    The precise, plain meaning of a word/phrase in its simplest, original sense.
  23. Lyric
    A type of poem that expresses subjective thoughts and feelings in a song-like style.
  24. Melodrama
    A drama that has stereotypical characters, exaggerated emotions, and a conflict that pits an all-good hero/heroine against an all-evil villain.
  25. Metaphor
    The comparison of one thing to another w/o using like or as.
  26. Metre
    The pattern of stressed/unstressed syllables in a verse.
  27. Monologue
    An extended speech by one person with or without an audience.
  28. Mood
    Tone; atmosphere; feeling.
  29. Mystery
    A genre of fiction focused on the investigation of a crime.
  30. Myth
    A story that is not "true" and involves supernatural beings.
  31. Narrative
    A story.
  32. Narration
    The telling of a story.
  33. Narrator
    One who tells the story; determines the story's point of view.
  34. Objective
    Language and tone.
  35. Objective Point of View
    The writer tells what happens without stating more than can be inferred from the story's action and dialogue.
  36. Onomatopoeia
    The use of words formed or sounding like what they signify.
  37. Oxymoron
    Two words that contradict each other.
Card Set
Lit Vocab 2 (G-O)
Lit vocab G-O.