1550: Fetus Intrapartum; ch14

  1. What is the normal amount for Amniotic fluid?
    400 mL - 1500 mL: normal
  2. What is the primary objective w/ Continuous and Uterine Monitoring?

    How is fetal hypoxia validated by?
    Fetal Oxygenation & preventing fetal injury.

    Detect FHR changes early.

    Feta hypoxia is validated in a FHR change.
  3. When is an Internal Fetal Monitor recommended?

    *Need a trained nurse to apply electrode to fetal head.
    Women & fetuses at HIGH RISK.
  4. What is the criteria for Internal Monitoring 

    (4 criteria)
    1. Rupture of membranes.

    2. Dilation of 2 cm.

    3. Fetal presenting @ station to allow placement.

    4. Skilled HC professional.
  5. What does it mean to have a "reassuring pattern"?

    For example, what would you want to see on a monitor strip?
    Good variability & accelerations of the FHR w/ movement.
  6. What is a Deceleration in FHR monitoring?

    Which part of the nervous system is stimulated?
    A fall in FHR caused by the stimulation of the PNS.
  7. Describe an Early deceleration.

    *Requires no intervention.

    What is unique about "early" decels?

    Gradual decrease in FHR in which nadir (lowest point) occurs @ the peak of contraction.

    *FHR mirrors contractions.
  8. Describe a Late deceleration.

    What causes Late decel?

    What category are they usually if they are recurring or intermittent?
    • Symmetrical
    • Decrease in FHR after peak of contraction.

    The FHR does not return to baseline levels well AFTER the peak of the contraction.

    Associated w/ placental insufficiency (fetal hypoxia)

    Category II & III.
  9. Describe a Variable deceleration.

    *Most common decel pattern found in laboring women.

    What is usually the cause?
    Abrupt decrease in FHR below baseline and have an unpredictable shape.

    No consistency relationship to contractions.

    Cause: cord compression
  10. Describe a Category I:

    Acid-base status: predictive?
    Nursing intervention(s)
    Everything is NORMAL
  11. Describe a Category II:

    Acid-base status: predictive?
    Nursing intervention(s)
    Reassuring or Non-reassuring
    A/B: not predictive of abormal fetal A/B @ that time.

    Intervention(s): requires evaluation by provider & nurse & continuous monitoring.

    Reassuring or Non: neither; cannot be determined.
  12. Describe Category III:

    A/B: predictive?
    Nursing Intervention(s)
    Reassuring or Non; at risk for?
    A/B: predictive of abnormal fetal A/B.

    • Interventions: 
    • Position change
    • O2 by face mask; 8-10 L/min
    • Fluid bolus (for epidural)

    • Non-reassuring:
    • @ risk for fetal hypoxia or acidosis; requires prompt evaluation & interventions.
  13. Translate the acronym for VEAL CHOP regarding decelerations and acceleration.
    • V (variability) = C (cord compression)
    • E (early) = H (head compression due to vaginal cervix & should not be harmful)
    • A (accel) = O (OK or O2)
    • L (late) = P (placental insufficiency)
Card Set
1550: Fetus Intrapartum; ch14
Fetus intrapartum: Categories