Creative dramatics test

  1. 4 elements in basic lesson structure
    • 1. creating the environment 
    • 2. shaping the drama action 
    • 3. action 
    • 4. discussion and follow up
  2. 2 purposes for evaluation
    • 1. improve further playing of lesson
    • 2. make a statement about the outcome in order to design objectives to meet the class' need in the future
  3. 2 types of evaluation
    formal and informal
  4. 3 basic categories of informal evaluation
    • 1. Observation
    • 2. Anecdotes
    • 3. Artifacts
  5. Observation
    Statements made about characteristics by outside observers
  6. Anecdotes
    Interesting work reported by the person Involved in the event
  7. Artifacts
    Products that reflect processes
  8. What are the areas of concentration
    • 1. Creative movement (pantomime)
    • 2. Senses and feelings 
    • 3. Characterization 
    • 4. Dialogue
    • 5. Dramatic form
  9. creative movement
    children should increase in freedom and originality of expression
  10. senses and feelings
    children should increase in ability to convey by actions the qualities of an object and refine expression of emotion
  11. characterization
    participation in character portrayal, children increase in ability to portray a character through movement, attitude and speech
  12. dialogue
    increase in ability to communicate verbally and speak in character
  13. dramatic form
    increase in ability to develop a play, create characters, a setting and a storyline
  14. 1st word to wise
    do not use lessons verbatim but adapt to classroom needs
  15. 2nd word to wise
    reading through the lessons will give teachers good perspective
  16. 3rd word to wise
    a simple lesson can always be expanded on and an advanced lesson can always be simplified
  17. 4th word to wise
    the 5 areas of concentration have no boundaries. they always overlap
  18. 5th word to wise
    favorite activities should be repeated sometimes, and sometimes varied
  19. 6th word to wise
    each lesson has a simple statement of its objective and the ares of explored
  20. 7th word to wise
    some elements of drama were not given special treatment in this book
  21. 8th word to the wise
    • 1st goal of drama: enjoyment, involvement, self-confidence, opening up
    • 2nd goal of drama: greater awareness of many things and skill in communicating in dramatic fom
  22. 9th word to wise
    new edition deals with 'social drama'; exploring real emotions in real life situations
  23. 10th word to wise
    conflict is important in drama
Card Set
Creative dramatics test
Creative dramatics Part I chapter 4 and 5 Part II intro Part II pantomime feelings senses