Professional Ethics/Ethical Jurisdiction of OT/OT Practitioner Roles

  1. Beneficence
    concern for the safety and well-being of the recipients of their services
  2. Nonmaleficence
    intentionally refrain from actions that cause harm
  3. Autonomy and confidentiality
    respect the right of the individual to self-determination
  4. Social justice
    provide services in a fair and equitable manner
  5. Procedural justice
    comply with institutional rules, local, state, federal, and international laws and AOTA documents applicable to the profession of OT
  6. Veracity
    provide comprehensive, accurate, and objective information
  7. Fidelity
    treat colleagues and other professionals with respect, fairness, discretion, and integrity
  8. Minimum reporting standards for patient/client abuse require:
    reporting to one's immediate supervisor
  9. State Regulatory Boards (SRBs)
    public bodies created by state legislatures to assure the health and safety of the citizens of that state
  10. reprimand
    the private communication of the respective agency's disapproval of a practitioner's conduct
  11. censure
    public statement of the respective agency's disapproval of a practitioner's conduct
  12. ineligibility
    removal of eligibility for membership, certification, or licensure by the respective agency for an indefinite or specific time period
  13. probation
    requirement that a practitioner meet certain conditions to retain membership, certification, or licensure by the respective agency
  14. suspension
    loss of membership, certification, or licensure for a specific time period
  15. revocation
    permanent loss of membership, certification, or licensure
  16. negligence
    • failure to do what other reasonable practitioners would have done
    • doing what other practitioners would not have done
    • end result was harm to individual
    • every individual is liable for their own negligence
  17. service competency
    ability to use the specified intervention in a safe, effective, and reliable manner
  18. Can OTAs be activities directors in SNFs?
  19. Can OTAs supervise OT aides?
Card Set
Professional Ethics/Ethical Jurisdiction of OT/OT Practitioner Roles
Ch. 4