Jewish Calendar

  1. It lands in part of March & part of April
    Nisan (Abib)
  2. It lands in part of April & parts of May
    Iyyar (Ziv)
  3. It lands in part of May & part of June
  4. It lands in part of June & part of July
  5. It lands in part of July & part of August
  6. It lands in part of August & part of September
  7. It lands part of September & part of October
    Tishri (Ethanim)
  8. It lands in part of October & part of November
    Heshvan (Bul)
  9. It lands in part of November & part of December
  10. It lands in part of December & part of January
  11. It lands in part of January & part of February
  12. It lands in part of February & part of March
  13. In what month was the passover?
    Nisan (Abib)
  14. In what month was the Day of Atonement?
    Tishri (Ethanim)
  15. In what month did the Barley harvest land?
    Nisan (Abib)
  16. What was harvested in the month of Ab?
    Grapes & Summer Fruits
  17. During the growing heat of summer the grapevines would began to yield their first ripe fruits. What month did this occur?
  18. What was the weather like in the month Nisan?
    The Jordan swelling from rain and there's melting snow
  19. What was the weather like in the month of Iyyar (Ziv)?
    The Dry season begins, and it's mostly clear skies
  20. What was the weather like in the month of Sivan?
    There was Summer heat, clear air
  21. What was the weather like in the month of Tammuz?
    Heat increases, heavy dews in areas
  22. What was the weather like in the month of Ab?
    Heat reaches maximum
  23. What was the weather like in the month of Elul?
    Heat continues
  24. What was the weather like in the month of Tishri (Ethanim)?
    Summer ends, early rains begin
  25. What was the weather like in the month of Heshvan (Bul)?
    Light rain
  26. What was the weather like in the month of Chislev?
    Rain increases, frost, mountain snows
  27. What was the weather like in the month of Tebeth?
    Maximum cold, rainy, mountain snows
  28. What was the weather like in the month of Shebat?
    Cold weather lessens, rain continues
  29. What was the weather like in the month of Adar?
    Frequent thunder and hail
  30. The Festival of Dedication was celebrated in which day?
    Chislev 25th
  31. When was Purim celebrated by the Jews?
    Adar 14th & 15th
  32. What is the celebration of Purim? Why is it given this name?
    It commemorates the Jews' deliverance from destruction of Haman's plot to exterminate them; The name comes from the act of Haman's in casting our (lot) to determine the auspicious day to carry out his plot against the Jews. INSIGHT pg.716 PURIM
  33. What would occur on the 1st of Tishri (Ethanim) every year?
    The "day of the Trumpet blast" (Leviticus 23:24) (Numbers 29:1)
  34. The Day of Atonement was observed on which day of the year?
    Tishri (Ethanim) 10th
  35. The Festival of Booths were held in which month? And which days of the month?
    Tishri (Ethanim); 15th- 21st
  36. What occur on the 22nd of the month of Tishri (Ethanim) in Israel?
    A solemn assembly
Card Set
Jewish Calendar
learn the month of the Jewish Calendar & what was harvested in each month.