Summary of Risks

  1. Heart Surgery
    • Negative reaction to medications
    • Infective endocarditis
  2. Pacemaker
    • Negative reaction to medication
    • Inability for stress from dental procedures
  3. Steroid / Prednisone
    • Inability to handle stress from dental procedures
    • Delayed healing and infection
  4. Diabetes
    • Inability to handle stress from dental procedures
    • Delayed healing
  5. Sickle cell disease
    • Inability for stress from dental procedures
    • Delayed healing and infection
  6. HIV / AIDS
    • Delayed healing
    • Infection passed to coworkers
  7. Hepatitis
    • Bleeding problems during invasive dental procedure
    • Infection passed to worker
  8. Jaundice
    • Bleeding problems during invasive dental procedure
    • Infection passed to worker
  9. Cirrhosis
    • Bleeding problems
    • Negative reaction to medications
  10. Irregular heartbeat
    • Negative reaction to medication
    • Inability to handle stress from dental procedures
  11. Epilepsy/ Seizure disorder
    • Negative Reaction to medication
    • Inability to handle stress from dental procedures
  12. Heart Attack
    • Bleeding with problems invasive procedures
    • Inability to handle stress dental procedures
  13. Stroke
    • Bleeding problems with invasive surgery
    • Negative reaction to medications
    • Inability to handle stress from dental procedures
  14. Blood Transfusion
    • Bleeding problems with invasive surgery
    • Infection passed to worker
  15. Aspirin NSAID
    • Bleeding problems with invasive surgery
    • Negative reaction to medication (chronic pain)

    • Renal Dialysis
    • Bleeding problems with invasive dental procedures
    • Negative reaction to medications
    • Delayed healing and infection
  16. Blood clots or thrombosis (from medication)
    Bleeding problems with invasive procedures
  17. Frequent or severe nosebleeds
    Bleeding problems with invasive procedures
  18. Bruise easily for no apparent reason
    Bleeding problems with invasive procedures
  19. Hemophilia
    Bleeding problems with invasive procedures
  20. Headaches or chronic back pain (from medication)
    Bleeding problems with invasive procedures
  21. Arthritis (from medication)
    Bleeding problems with invasive procedures
  22. Heavy drinker - alcoholic beverages (liver disease – clotting factors)
    Bleeding problems with invasive procedures
  23. Glaucoma
    Negative reaction (including allergy) to medications used and/or prescribed by the dentist
  24. Kidney disease
    Negative reaction (including allergy) to medications used and/or prescribed by the dentist
  25. Ulcers
    Negative reaction (including allergy) to medications used and/or prescribed by the dentist
  26. Medication allergies
    Negative reaction (including allergy) to medications used and/or prescribed by the dentist
  27. Methamphetamine or cocaine/crack
    Negative reaction (including allergy) to medications used and/or prescribed by the dentist
  28. Recovering alcoholic or drug addict
    Negative reaction (including allergy) to medications used and/or prescribed by the dentist
  29. Breastfeeding
    Negative reaction (including allergy) to medications used and/or prescribed by the dentist
  30. Angina
    Inability to handle stress from dental procedures
  31. High blood pressure
    Inability to handle stress from dental procedures
  32. Hypothyroid
    Inability to handle stress from dental procedures
  33. Hyperthyroid
    Inability to handle stress from dental procedures
  34. Suppressed immune system
    Delayed healing and Infection
  35. Organ transplant
    Delayed healing and Infection
  36. Cushing’s syndrome
    Delayed healing and Infection
  37. Tuberculosis
    Infection which could be passed on to the health care worker
  38. Persistent fever
    Infection which could be passed on to the health care worker
  39. Cough up bloody sputum
    Infection which could be passed on to the health care worker
  40. Venereal disease/sexually transmitted diseases
    Infection which could be passed on to the health care worker

    • Artificial heart valve
    • Infective endocarditis
  41. Congenital heart disease
    Infective endocarditis
  42. Previous history of endocarditis
    Infective endocarditis
  43. Cardiac transplant patients with cardiac valvulopathy
    Infective endocarditis
Card Set
Summary of Risks
Summary of Risks