Terms rehab final 2

  1. The inability to control voluntary muscle movement, most frequently resulting from disorders in the brain or spinal cord.
  2. An impairment of the force and rhythm of voluntarily performed rapid alternating movements of one or more extremities, such as pronation and supination or flexion and extension, which occurs in cerebellar disease, and may be detected during a neurologic exam.
  3. An aspect of ataxia, in which the ability to control the distance, power, and speed of an act is impaired. Usually used to describe abnormalities of movement caused by cerebellar disorders.
  4. a series of alternating contractions and partial relaxations of a muscle that in some nervous diseases occurs in the form of convulsive spasms involving complex groups of muscles and is believed to result from alteration of the normal pattern of motor neuron discharge
  5. abnormal stiffness of muscle
  6. Synergy patterns are abnormal, stereotyped, primitive, mass movement pattern associated with spasticity and which can be triggered either reflexly and voluntarily.Synergy can be either flexor or extensor. They involve the action of certain muscles in combination that gives rise to abnormal pattern not useful for functional activities.
  7. For upper limbs: Shoulder girdle retraction and elevation, shoulder abduction external rotation, supination, flexion of elbow, wrist and finger flexionFlexion synergy for lower limbs: Hip flexion abduction and lateral rotation, knee flexion, dorsiflexion and inversion.
    Flexion sybergy
  8. For upper limbs: Shoulder girdle protraction and depression, shoulder adduction, internal rotation, elbow extension, pronation, wrist and finger flexion.Extension synergy - For lower limbs: Hip extension, adduction, internal rotation, knee extension, ankle plantar flexion, inversion, and plantar flexion.
    Extension synergy
  9. Rhythmic, oscillating motions of the eyes are called nystagmus. The to-and-fro motion is generally involuntary. Vertical nystagmus occurs much less frequently than horizontal nystagmus and is often, but not necessarily, a sign of serious brain damage. Nystagmus can be a normal physiological response or a result of a pathologic problem
  10. resembling the rapid jerky movements associated with chorea. (Michael J. Fox)
    Choreiform movements
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Terms rehab final 2
Terms rehab final 2