Abnormal Psychology 230: Chapters 12 13 14 15 Part 1

  1. Subdiscipline of psychology that addresses issues of aging: physical changes, lifestyle shifts, and role changes and psychological problems unique to older people.
  2. ___ of older adults age successfully
  3. What does it take to be successful at aging?
    • Good health and active life style
    • Independence in functioning
    • Lack of disability
    • Absence of cognitive impairment
    • Positive social relationships
  4. Depression and Anxiety later in life are most associated with
    • Death of loved one
    • Changes in job or financial status
    • Deterioration in physical abilities
  5. Treatment of Depression in older patients
    • Medication
    • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
    • Reminiscence Therapy
  6. __% of older depressed patients improve once on medication
  7. Alteration in consciousness that typically occurs in the context of a medical illness or after ingesting a substance
  8. 2 Types of Altered States of Consciousness with Delirium
    • Hypoactive
    • Hyperactive
  9. Altered State of Consciousness type that produces decreased wakefulness and stupor
  10. Altered State of Consciousness type that produces hyperarousal
  11. Who is more prone to delirium? Men or Women?
  12. Primarily caused by serious systematic medical illness (AIDS, congestive heart failure, infection, or toxic effects of medication)
    Etiology of Delirium
  13. Suicide is ___ as high in people over 65 than that of younger adults
    Twice as high
  14. Multiple cognitive disabilities that take away the ability to function independently and causes significant emotional problems
    Neurocognitive Disorder
  15. In order to make a diagnosis for a Neurocognitive Disorder what is required?
    • Extensive interviews
    • History Taking
    • Testing
  16. 3 Types of Mild or Major Neurocognitive Disorders
    • Alzheimer’s Disease
    • Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder
    • Substance/Medication Induce Neurocognitive Disorder
  17. Risk factors for Neurocognitive Disorder
    • Increasing age
    • Family history of neurocognitive disorder
    • APOE gene
  18. Protective Factors for Neurocognitive Disorder
    • Dietary factors
    • Moderate alcohol use
    • Mental activities
    • NSAIDs
    • Advanced education
    • Bilingualism
  19. Uses principles and methods from psychology to understand how attitudes and beahviors influence health and illness
    Health Psychology
  20. Studies how people develop positive and negative health habits and how stress and health are related
    Health Psychology
  21. Belief that the mind and body function independently
    Mind-Body Dualism
  22. Who believed in Mind-Body Dualism?
    17th Century French Philosopher Rene Descartes
  23. Difference between past and present view on health?
    • Past – only biological
    • Present – Psychology now plays a role
  24. What are the major contributors to physical health?
    • Health Habits
    • Attitudes
    • Personality
    • Social Factors such as stress and social support
  25. Negative emotional experience accompanied by biochemical, physiological, cognitive, and behavioral responses aimed at changing or adjusting to the stressor
  26. Any event that produces tension or other negative emotion such as fear
  27. Forms of Stress
    • Acute
    • Chronic
    • Daily Hassles
    • Major Life Events
  28. Assessment of whether a person has the resources or coping skills to meet the demands of a situation
    Appraisal Process
  29. Appraisal which questions how much of a harm or threat a situation is
    Primary Appraisal
  30. Appraisal which questions what the individual can do to cope with the situation
    Secondary Appraisal
  31. What situation has the highest stress level (100 points)?
    Death of a spouse
  32. The stress hormone
  33. Releases cortisol
    Hypothalamic-Pituitary Adrenocortical Axis
  34. Poor health behaviors that result from stress and have a negative affect on health such as smoking
    Indirect Impact of Stress
  35. When cortisol is released, the body has suppressed immune functioning, and impairs memory/concentration
    Direct Impact of Stress
  36. One of the most common complaints during childhood with only 10% - 15% having a physical caused identified
    Recurrent Abdominal Pain
  37. Until the 1960’s ______ was the typical treatment for severely mentally ill patients
    Hospital Confinement
  38. State hospitals offered care to the mentally ill since
  39. State hospitals had over ____ beds in their psychiatric institutions between 1800-1955
  40. Present day (2000) offers _____ psychiatric beds in state hospitals
  41. What was the reason for the failure of deinstitutionalization?
    Lack of follow-up care
  42. ____ to ___ of homeless individuals have a psychological disorder
    • 32.7% to 73%
    • People with ____ are of the greatest risk of homelessness after leaving an institution
    • Schizophrenia
  43. A state-initiated procedure that forces involuntary treatment on people who are judged to have a mental illness, who present danger to themselves or others
    Civil Commitment
  44. A court-order that direct a person to comply with a specified, individualized outpatient treatment plan
    Outpatient Commitment
  45. Legal decision that describes people who commit a crime but who are prevented by a psychological disorder from understanding the seriousness and illegality of their actions
    Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
  46. Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity is only used ___ % of the time in felony cases
  47. Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity is only successful __ to ___% of the time
    15 to 25%
  48. When an accused person is so mentally disordered that he or she cannot assist in his or her own defense
    Incompetent to Stand Trial
  49. These 3 words describe environments that provide protection against unwilling disclosure of patient information
    Privacy, Confidentiality, and Privilege
  50. Agreement between the therapist and patient that private information revealed during therapy will not be discussed with others
  51. Legal term that prevents a therapist from revealing confidential information during legal proceeding and extends to therapists who are licensed to practice therapy
  52. Therapist’s duty to use reasonable care to protect third parties from dangers posed by patients
    Duty to Warn
  53. Established the ethical mandate of Duty to Warn
    Tarasoff Decision
  54. Is based on the belief that mental health clinicians have the ability to predict human behavior
    Duty to Warn
  55. Psychologists’ ability to accurately predict violence in a given a patient is a little better than ___%
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Abnormal Psychology 230: Chapters 12 13 14 15 Part 1