Abnormal Psychology 230: Chapters 12 13 14 & 15 Part 2

  1. __% to __% of the population has an intellectual disability
    1% to 3%
  2. ___% of the population has an IQ in the mild category
  3. Integrating children with intellectual disability into regular classrooms whenever possible
    Mainstreaming in Schools
  4. Functional Impairment of Intellectual Disability
    • Mainstreaming in Schools
    • Supported Employment
    • Sheltered Workshop
  5. Etiology of Intellectual Disability
    • Down Syndrome
    • Fragile X Syndrome
  6. Genetic form of an intellectual disability caused by presence of 3 chromosomes rather than the usual 2 on the 21st pair
    Down Syndrome
  7. Most common inherited cause of intellectual disability occurs when DNA makes too many copies of itself
    Fragile X Syndrome
  8. Etiology of Intellectual Disability
    • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
    • Prenatal Influences
    • Postnatal Factors
  9. Results from drinking alcohol during pregnancy and leading known preventable environemtal cause of intellectual disability
    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  10. Toxins and infections in utero, premature birth,, hypoxia, and malnutrition
    Prenatal Influences
  11. Malnutrition, bacterial, and viral infections, lead exposure, social factors such as lower SES, lower environmental stimulation, and maternal education
    Postnatal Factors
  12. Conditions involving academic achievement blow expectations for age, years in school, and IQ score
    Specific Learning Disorders
  13. Reading scores lower than expected for child’s age
    • Dyslexia
    • Diminished ability to understand mathematical terms
    • Dyscalculia
  14. Disorder of written expression
  15. __% to __% of school-aged children suffer from a learning disability
    5% to 10%
  16. About how many school-aged children suffer from a learning disability?
    4 Million Children
  17. Focuses on phonological processing and fluent reading
    Treatment of Dyslexia
  18. Arithmetic drills and memorization
    Treatment of Dyscalculia
  19. Progress from simple writing tasks to more challenging writing tasks
    Treatment for Dysgraphia
  20. Occurs in a educational setting
    Treatment of a Specific Learning Disorder
  21. Serious impairments in reciprocal social interaction and communication. Presence of restrictive and repetitive behavior, interests, and activities, which includes intense preoccupation with a particular interest
    Autism Spectrum Disorder
  22. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder is __ out of every ___ children
    1 out of every 152 children
  23. Autism Spectrum Disorder is more common in boys or girls?
  24. What is the onset age of Autism Spectrum Disorder?
    Before the age of 3
  25. Why the rise in rates of Autism?
    • Children were never given a 2nd diagnosis
    • Diagnostic criteria has changed
  26. Mothers in the 1950’s and 1960’s who were emotionally unresponsive to their infants
    Refrigerator Mothers
  27. Positive reinforcement and shaping. Applied behavior analysis (ABA)
    Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder – Behavioral Interventions
  28. Aversive Procedures
    Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder – For Self Injury
  29. Are not found to be effective for social or communication deficits
    Atypical antipsychotics help manage aggressive behavior and self-injury
    Stimulants that reduce hyperactivity
    Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder – Medication
  30. Childhood disorder characterized by inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  31. When is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder diagnosed?
    Early Elementary School
  32. Doesn’t have the cognitive abilities to formulate a goal, plan a series of action to carry out a goal, or maintain plan in working memory
    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder’s deficit in executive functioning
  33. Behavioral Treatment of ADHD
    • Parenting training
    • Classroom modification
    • Social Skills Training
  34. Medication Treatment of ADHD
    Stimulants enhance dopamine and norepinephrine while decreasing symptoms
  35. Continuous and repeated pattern of violating the basic rights of others or breaking societal rules with aggression toward people or animals, destruction of property, deceitfulness or theft, and serious rule violations
    Conduct Disorder
  36. Negative, hostile, or defiant behaviors that are less severe than those with conduct disorder
    Oppositional Defiant Disorder
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Abnormal Psychology 230: Chapters 12 13 14 & 15 Part 2