Personality of Psych

  1. What is a standardized test?
    is one that has been rigorously constructed such that all individuals who take the test are given the same instructions and presented with the same test material.

    same criteria are employed in scoring the test for all subjects
  2. what are norms?
    a standard or reference that can be employed to evaluate a person's performance on a test
  3. what is the norm group?
    the subjects who are employed to standardize a test
  4. The percentile rank is derived from the performance of the?
    norm group
  5. What is percentile rank?
    The percentage of individuals who score equal to or less than a given score on the test
  6. what is test-retest reliability?
    an indicator of how consistent a subject's score is on a test if the test is re-administered
  7. What is the reliability that most psych tests have?
  8. reliability is based on what?
    if a person retakes the test they receive about the same score
  9. What is validity?
    refers to whether or not a test measures what it claims to measure
  10. What is criterion measure?
    an alternative measure of the trait/characteristic the test claims to measure

    a measure against which scores on a psychological test under construction are compared with in order to determine if the test is valid
  11. Example of a criterion measure for evaluating an intelligence test
    teacher's ratings of students intelligence
  12. What is one problem in test validation?
    when a new test is being developed it is not uncommon that the criterion measure employed to evaluate the new test is a preexisting test that measures the same trait
  13. what is face validity?
    the extent to which a test appears to be measuring a specific trait or ability, based purely on an examination of the content of the items/stimuli which comprise the test
  14. If a test only has face validity what doesn't it have?
    empirical data (observable data/ evidence), which demonstrates that the test measures what it claims to measure
  15. Personality tests from newspapers and magazines usually have what type of validity?
    face validity
  16. If a test only has face validity what does it not justify?
    Making serious decisions and or predictions about people
  17. what is empirical/predictive validity?
    if the scores on the test have been empirically demonstrated to predict some criterion behavior
  18. what is a discriminative item?
    on a test is one which statistically discriminates between people who do well on the test and people who do poorly on a test
  19. On a personality test what is the discriminative item?
    discriminating people who are high on a trait from people who are low on a triat
  20. what is a discriminative item on a self report personality test?
    a true-false test which measures extroversion would be one that 90% of people who are extreme extroverts answer true, but only 10% of people who are extreme introverts answer true
  21. What is a self report personality test?
    one in which for each item there are a limited number of alternatives from which a subject must choose his/her response
  22. what is a type of self report test?
    omnibus personality inventories (myers briggs, Neo-pi)
  23. what is a response set?
    when a person taking a personality test does not answer questions on the basis of what one really believes or feels, but instead answers the questions in order to create a specific impression of oneself
  24. what is the most common response set?
    social desirability
  25. Social desirability is mostly evaluated by what scale?
    the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability scale
  26. What is a response style?
    when a person taking a personality test responds in a relatively fixed or random manner to the test stimuli/items
  27. what is acquiescence response style (yeasaying)?
    which a person tends to answer questions true, regardless of the content of a question and or agree with all or most of the questions on the likert scale
  28. What is naysaying?
    which a person tends to answer questions false, regardless of the content of a question and disagree on the likert scale
  29. what is the validity scale?
    a set of items/questions on a personality test which are intended to identify subjects who are dishonest or inattentive in responding
  30. what is the purpose of the validity scale?
    to identify subjects who adopt a response set or a response style on a test
  31. what is an infrequency scale?
    scale is comprised of items almost all people answer one way
  32. what is a subtle item?
    is one which by virtue of its content does not reveal the trait it is measuring
  33. what is the subtle item do?
    discriminate which a group or subject is a member
  34. What is a projective test?
    a test in which a subject presented with an ambiguous stimulus and asked to interpret/ complete it (ink blot test)
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Personality of Psych
Personality of psych