The Skeletal System

  1. Eye socket
    La órbita
  2. Cervical vertebra
    La vértebra cervical
  3. Costal cartilage
    El cartílago costal
  4. True rib
    La costilla verdadera
  5. Thoracic vertebra
    La vértebra torácica (dorsal)
  6. Transverse process
    La apófisis transversa
  7. Lumbar vertebra
    La vértebra lumbar
  8. Ilium
    El ílion
  9. Sacrum
    El sacro
  10. Coccyx
    El coxis
  11. Ischium
    El isquión
  12. Pubic bone
    El hueso púbico
  13. Pubic symphysis
    La sínfisis púbica
  14. Nasal anterior
    La apertura
  15. Teeth
    Los dientes
  16. Mandible
    La mandíbula
  17. Clavicle
    La clavícula
  18. Sternum
    El esternón
  19. Humerus
    El humero
  20. Twelfth rib
    La doceava costilla (flotante)
  21. Radius
    El radio
  22. Ulna
    El cúbito
  23. Metacarpal bones
    Los huesos carpianos
  24. Phalanges
    Las falanges
  25. Femur
    El fémur
  26. Patella
    La rótula
  27. Tibia
    La tibia
  28. Fibula
    El peroné

    La fíbula
  29. Talus
    El astrágalo

    El talus 

    El tobillo
  30. Cranium
    El cráneo
  31. Ribs
    Las costillas
  32. Pelvis
    La pelvis
  33. Hip bone
    • el hueso iliaco
    • el hueso coxal
  34. Tarsus
    El tarso
  35. Metatarsus
    El metatarso
  36. Carpus
    El carpo
  37. Metacarpus
    El metacarpo
  38. Parietal bone
    El hueso parietal
  39. Occipital bone
    El hueso occipital
  40. Axis (C2)
    El axis (C2)
  41. Acromion
    El acromión
  42. Spinous process of thoracic vertebra
    La apófisis espinosa de la vértebra torácica
  43. Thoracic vertebra
    La vértebra torácica
  44. Floating ribs (11 & 12)
    Las costillas flotantes (11 y 12)
  45. Ischial tuberosity
    La tuberosidad isquiática
  46. Pubis
    El pubis
  47. Calcaneus
    El calcáneo
  48. Atlas (C1)
    El atlas (C1)
  49. Clavicle
    La clavícula
  50. Spine of the scapula
    La espina de la escápula
  51. Scapula
    La escápula
  52. Humerus
    El humero
  53. Femoral condyle
    El cóndilo femoral
  54. Spinous Processes
    Apófisis espinosa
  55. Cervical Region (C1-C7)
    Región cervical
  56. Thoracic Region
    Región dorsal
  57. Lumbar Region (L1-L5)
    Región lumbar
  58. Sacrum Region (S1-S5)
    Región sacra

    Región sacral
  59. Coccyx Region
    Región coxigea
  60. Spinal cord
    La médula espinal
  61. Spinal nerve
    El nervio espinal
  62. Disc
    El disco
  63. Bone Biopsy
    Biopsia Ósea 

    a diagnostic test that may be deemed necessary after finding abnormal counts of red blood cells and white blood cells from a complete blood count test
  64. Bone Marrow Aspiration
    Aspiración de Médula Ósea

    • -the use of a syringe to withdraw liquid bone marrow 
    • -used to obtain tissue for diagnostic purposes or collect bone marrow for medical procedures
  65. Bursitis

    inflammation of a bursa
  66. Closed fracture (simple)

    Complete fracture
    Fractura cerrada (simple)

    Fractura completa

    a fracture in which the bone is broken but there is no open wound in the skin
  67. Colle's fracture
    Fractura de Colles

    a fracture at the lower end of the radius that occurs when a person tries to break a fall by landing on their hands
  68. Comminuted fracture
    Fractura conminuta 

    a fracture in which the bone is splintered or crushed
  69. Compression fracture
    Fractura de compresión

    a fracture in which the bone is pressed together on itself
  70. Fracture

    a broken bone
  71. Greenstick fracture
    Fractura en tallo verde

    a type of fracture in which the bone is bent and only partially broken
  72. Hairline fracture
    Fractura lineal

    a minor fracture in which the bone fragments remain in alignment, appearing on an x-ray as a fine line
  73. Kyphosis

    an abnormal increase in the outward curvature of the thoracic spine as viewed from the side
  74. Lordosis

    an abnormal increase in the forward curvature of the lumbar spine
  75. Open fracture
    Fractura expuesta

    a fracture in which the bone is broken and there is an open wound in the skin
  76. Osteomalacia

    abnormal softening of the bones in adults
  77. Osteoporosis

    a marked loss of bone density and an increase in bone porosity that is frequently associated with aging
  78. Scoliosis

    an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
Card Set
The Skeletal System
The Skeletal System