Sensorimotor Integration

  1. Prenatal (before birth)
    • Responds first to tactile stimuli
    • Reflex development
    • Innate tactile, prop and vestibular reactions
  2. Neonatal (birth to 1 month)
    • Vestibular system is fully developed 
    • Auditory and Tactile are immature, but developing in response to the environment (mother's face, voices and sounds)
  3. 1 month-6 months
    • Proprioceptive, Visual and Vestibular systems become more integrated
    • Child is reaching out to grab objects and integrating Visual and Tactile
    • Movement patterns beginning to change from reflexive to voluntary/goal-oriented
  4. 6 months-12 months
    • Crossing Midline (9-12 months)
    • Auditory, Tactile and Proprioception are heightened
    • Gusatory and Olfactory and other senses are integrated and promote self-feeding.
  5. 1 year- 2 years
    • Tactile system improves, allowing for more precise discrimination and localization to refine fine motor skills
    • Motor Planning through integration of all systems!
    • Symbolic gesturing and vocalizations
  6. 2 years- 3 years
    • Refinement of systems --> improved balance and postural control!
    • Increased fine motor skills
    • Increased motor planning and praxis ideation
  7. 3 years- 7 years
    Child challenges sensorimotor systems through play, music, dance, school tasks
Card Set
Sensorimotor Integration
Sensorimotor Integration