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  1. What are the roles of the President
    • Chief Executive - executive power to enforce and lead the nation
    • Commander in chief - controls and leads the military
    • Chief legislator - gets public policy, campaigns for bills to be passed
    • Chief administrator - representative of the nation directs the 2-7 million government officials
    • Chief of citizens - representative of all people
    • Chief of party - leader of the party that leads the executive brancg
    • Chief diplomat - the main architect for us foreign policy
    • Chief of State - ceremonial leader of government and symbol of the american people
  2. Electroal college
    • established in article 2 section 1 of the constitution
    • formal body that elects the president and vp
    • each state has as many ellectoral votes as it has reps and senators in congress
    • Dc has 3 electoral votes, 23rd amendment
    • most states require that all electoral college votes go to the candidate who recieves the majority in that state
    • 538 electoral votes
    • majority of 270 to elect the president
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