MPOII: Final Exam Prep: Frameworks

  1. What is the strategic Choice?
    Customer Intimacy

    Product leadership

    Operational Excellence
  2. Structured Behavioural Interviewing - what should you look for?
    STAR = Situation, task, Action, Results

    Structured behavioral interviewing is founded on the notion that the best predictor of a candidate’s future performance is his or her past performance. Therefore, structured behavioral interview questions are built around specific incidents that have happened rather than hypothetical situations. The questions ask candidates to describe things that they have actually done, as opposed to what they would do in a given situation. You may also create an interview that includes different types of questions (i.e., situational, behavioral, and job knowledge-based)
  3. Organizational Network Analysis
    Businesses use network analysis to improve communication flow internally or with their networks of external partners.


    Early identification of flight risks (identify employees with underdeveloped networks, find overloaded employees, identify hidden stars)

    Retain valuable employees (enhance career planning, proactively develop succession plans)

    Enhance resilience in the face of turnover (better management of competencies, leverage energizing relationships, develop and justify talent programs)
  4. What is Total Rewards Inventory?
    Description: Benefit and rewards ‘checklist’ to assess rewards options.

    Purpose: Determining the best mix of benefits/rewards based on ROI to attract and retain your intended workforce.
  5. Total Rewards Inventory: What are the 6 key implementation steps?
    1) Gather info about rewards currently offered in broad reward categories.

    2) Conduct surveys, focus groups, and interviews to understand effectiveness of current rewards offerings.

    3) Determine cost and usage of the rewards offered and the estimated cost and usage of rewards you are considering offering.

    4) Develop and roll-out surveys to assess reward trade-offs in order to maximize  offerings.

    5) Select and communicate enhanced rewards offerings to employees.

    6) Track usage and actual ROI for your suite of rewards….and revisit.
  6. What are the 6 steps to Strategy Map/Balanced Scorecard?
    1.Start top-down

    2.Begin with the Financial Perspective measures (at least for ‘for-profit’ companies; can also start with social goal)

    3.Define Customer Perspective measures

    4.Define the Internal Process measures

    5.Define the Learning & Growth measures

    6.Determine “cause and effect hypotheses”, cascade down, gather data and test
  7. Top 8 Strategy Mapping/ Scorecarding Pitfalls
    1.Senior management is not convinced and shows little commitment.

    2.The Scorecards are developed by ‘the happy few.’

    3.The internal/external project members have limited or only theoretical knowledge.

    4.The Balanced Scorecard is only used by top management.

    5.The Balanced Scorecard stays too long at the development stage before being launched and used.

    6.There are not enough links to the strategy and planning processes.

    7.The content (measures, objectives, targets and initiatives) of the Balanced Scorecard is unrealistic.

    8.The Balanced Scorecard is only used for pay purposes NOT hypothesis testing or even strategic alignment.
  8. What are Kotters 8 Steps in the Change Model?
    1.Create a Sense of Urgency… Craft and use a significant opportunity as a means for exciting people to sign up to change their organization.

    2.Build a Guiding Coalition...Assemble a group with the power and energy to lead and support a collaborative change effort.

    3.Form a Strategic Vision and Initiatives..Shape a vision to help steer the change effort and develop strategic initiatives to achieve that vision.

    4.Enlist a Volunteer Army..Raise a large force of people who are ready, willing and urgent to drive change.

    5.Enable Action by Removing Barriers..Remove obstacles to change and change systems or structures that pose threats to the achievement of the vision.

    6.Generate Short-Term Wins..Consistently produce, track, evaluate and celebrate volumes of small and large accomplishments – and correlate them to results.

    7.Sustain Acceleration...Use increasing credibility to change systems, structures and policies that don’t align with the vision; hire, promote and develop employees who can implement the vision; reinvigorate the process with new projects, themes and volunteers.

    8.Institute Change...Articulate the connections between the new behaviors and organizational success, and develop the means to ensure leadership development and succession.
  9. What are the 8 steps to competency modeling?
    1.Determine the organizational challenge(s) that competency modelling may be able to help solve.

    2.Determine line involvement and competency modelapproval process.

    3.Determine the target jobs for analysis.

    4.Identify effective and ineffective behaviors from below average, average and “star” performers in those jobs.

    5.Collect data using several approaches (measures, past evaluations, observation, customer feedback, etc.).

    6.Analyze the data and draft an interim competency model.

    7.Validate the model with job incumbents and managers within and across departments/functions/locations.

    8.Design/utilize HR processes/systems using the competency model.
  10. What are the four types of supports in the Developmental Network Questionnaire?
    • Mentor
    • Sponsor
    • Ally
    • Friend
  11. Skill Will Matrix
    High Will Low Skill

    • Be clear regarding expected outcomes (goals) and limitations of time, budget, etc.
    • Discuss and set methods
    • .Check for understandingIdentify and provide required training.Accept early mistakes as important “coaching” moments.Give responsibility and authority for the pieces of tasks employee can do.

    Structure tasks to minimize possible risks to employee and company

    Provide frequentfeedback.

    Require frequent check-ins (verbal or written) early in the project, but relax control as progress is shownPraise and reward for success
  12. Skill Will Matrix
    High Will High Skill

    Be clear regarding expected outcomes (goals) and limitations of time, budget, etc.Involve in decision-making

    Frequently ask employee for opinions

    Check for understanding

    Give responsibility and authority because employee is competent and committed.

    Provide feedback.

    Ask for check-ins at key milestones or when employee has questions.

    Praise and reward for success
  13. What are the four options of the Skill Will Matrix?
    • Delegate
    • Guide
    • Excite
    • Direct
  14. SMART Objectives
    • Specific
    • Measureable
    • Achievable
    • Relevant
    • Time-Bound
  15. Job Characteristics Model

    • Variety
    • Identity
    • Significance
    • Autonomy
    • Feedback
  16. What four steps do you need to implement to achieve Open Book management?
    • 1.Get the information out there (reduce information asymmetry)
    • 2.Teach the basics of financial and performance measures
    • 3.Empower people to make decisions based on what they know
    • 4.Make sure everyone shares directly from the firm's success (skin in the game)
  17. What is the premise behind the 9 box model?
    The 9 Box chart is a matrix which contains employees categorized by two variables (their performance ranking and their potential for advancement).

    As Succession Planning processes become more common in organizations today, HR teams are using a popular method for identifying and classifying talent: The 9 Box chart. The 9 Box chart is a matrix which contains employees categorized by two variables (their performance ranking and their potential for advancement).Here is an example of a typical 9 box chart. More often than not, there are 3 categories for performance and 3 categories for potential. However, depending on your specific needs this could also become a 12 box, 15 box or whatever best meets the needs of your business.
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MPOII: Final Exam Prep: Frameworks
MPOII: Final Exam Prep: Frameworks