NCLEX: Mental Health

  1. A client prescribed an antipsychotic medication develops a high fever, muscle rigidity, and hypertension. The nurse immediately notifies the HCP with concerns that the client is experiencing which life threatening condition?
    High fever, muscular rigidity, and altered consciousness are symptoms of neuroleptic maligany syndrome, a potentially fatal complication of antipsychotic medications and major tranquilizers.

    EPS side effects involve movement disorders, including rigidity, but do not include a fever and are not considered to be life threatening.

    Hypertensive crisis refers to a systolic blood pressure over 180 or diastolic blood pressure over 110.
  2. Which characteristic would make the nurse suspect that a client with changes in cognition has delirium (VS dementia)?
    disturbances in cognition and consciousness that fluctuate during the day

    Correct Explanation: In addition to developing over a period of hours or days, fluctuating sx are characteristic of delirium. The failure to identify objects despite intact sensory functions, significant impairment in social or occupational functioning over time, and memory impairment to the degree of being called amnesia all indicate dementia.
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NCLEX: Mental Health