
  1. History
    • virtually nonexistent in 1980s
    • significant growth in past 20 years theoretically and empirically
    • etiological models being developed, tested, refined, and retested
  2. Prevention
    • any systematic attempt to change the circumstances that promote, initiate, sustain, or intensify problems like EDs
    • primary -> before symptoms of ED
    • secondary -> already show signs of ED, dieting, distorted body image
    • universal-selective prevention programs -> targets people who are susceptible to eating disorders
  3. goals of prevention
    • decrease risk factors that lead to ED
    • increase factors that protect against, body dissatisfaction, unhealthy weight control behaviors, and disordered eating symptoms
  4. environmental approach
    • eradicate messages and practices that objectify women and men
    • change a school's nutrition or physical education program
    • change school policies on teasing and harassment
    • fitness center
    • educating parents about their influence on ED and body image
  5. participatory approaches
    • interested parties are involved in the assessment of needs and the formulation of intervention strategies
    • increases the participants sense of ownership and facilitates the sustainability of the intervention
    • tailors material to the context of the participants lives
  6. obesity and ED collaboration
    • insures that obesity prevention programs do not have harmful effect on body image, dieting behaviors, weight teasing, and other risk factors for eating disorders
    • public health funding focused on preventing obesity
    • overlapping ED and obesity prevention
    • healthy weight management
    • healthy eating patterns
    • increased physical activity
    • enhanced media literacy
    • positive body image
    • effective skills for coping with negative affect and with stressors
  7. academy of EDs
    • interventions should not be marketed as "obesity prevention" but "health promotion"
    • avoid language of "overweight" and "obesity" -> promote stigma
    • kids of all sizes deserve a healthy environment and benefit from a healthy lifestyle and positive self-image
  8. New Moves
    evidence based physical education program designed to promote positive self-iamge, healthy eating, and physical activity in adolescent girl
  9. males and prevention
    • very few programs designed for males and even less that have been reserached
    • ATLAS - based more on drug abuse prevention
    • Prevent steroid abuse in male athletes
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Lecture #10